Methods of moral education and the sayings, life and traditions of Imam Reza (AS)
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Keywords: Moral education, Training Methods, Razavi Training, Imam Reza (AS) ,
Abstract :
This article aims to express Imam Reza’s (AS) viewpoint on methods of moral education. The present study has dealt with analyzing methods of moral education with a qualitative approach and analytical- descriptive method. Methods of moral education from his sayings are as follows: 1. Ground-making methods: To avoid socializing with those who have moral vices, to create moral atmosphere in society, affection and kindness, charisma and adornment. 2. Methods of awareness and moral insight: a) methods of familiarizing the trainee with ethical teachings: Teaching ethical principles and criteria, articulating obstacles to ethical behavior and ways of overcoming those obstacles, expressing consequences and outcomes of moral and immoral behavior, relating moral stories. B) Methods of nurturing ethical thinking: to encourage individuals to reflect on ethical issues, to encourage reflection before action, the discussion on ethical issues. 3. Methods of fostering desirable tendencies and habits: inclination and willingness against fear and concern, provoking motives of faith, providing model, to recommend the imposition of good behavior to self, practicing true virtues and forbidding vices, monitoring and care. 4. Methods of correcting vices: to recognize the mood of the trainee, to ignore and overlook, decisive encounter
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