Ethical examples of socializing the famous in the relationship between spouses and their role in strengthening the family from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Fellowship with the famous, moral examples, family consolidation, family, Quran. ,
Abstract :
In the Holy Qur'an, the most basic principle in behaviour and interaction between couples is mentioned as " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner". In other words, the Holy Qur'an mentions the criterion of association with one's spouse as the " Maruf" principle. The Qur'anic phrase , in the relations between couples has a wide meaning and many examples, which in a general division is divided into two parts, examples with a jurisprudential nature and examples with a moral nature. The present study intends to examine the functions and role of this Quartic phrase according to its moral nature in the relationship between couples. The moral instances of " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner " are generally divided into common instances between the couple and specific instances of each. Love, patience and mutual support of couples to each other are the most important moral examples of this rule. Love is a factor that prevents the collapse of the family and the tolerance and mutual support of couples to each other is a factor to create intimacy and peace between couples, which therefore play a key role in family stability. In this regard, benevolence, counselling and caring for the wife are considered moral examples specific to the man, and obedience, humility and protection of the husband's secrets and property in his absence are specific examples for the woman under this rule.
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