Human dignity and weapons of mass destruction
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic EducationMohosen Reza Mosaddegh,khah 1 , Morteza Bayat 2 * , Hasan Soleimani 3
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3 - Assistant Professor, Department of International Law, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
Keywords: human dignity, weapons of mass destruction, national security, legitimate defense. ,
Abstract :
Human dignity is one of the most key concepts that have received the attention of heavenly religions, legal systems, international and regional human rights documents and the constitutions of countries in the protection of human beings and human status; So that today its reputation has gained global fame and has become an adornment of human rights discourses at the world level. More than all legal systems and before them, the holy school of Islam, respect for the dignity of human beings is emphasized as a fundamental principle. He has given and refrained from insulting and humiliating people and even massacre without accounting. Islam, if not more than all the schools, at least among the other schools, considers the right to dignity and social respect of the human being valid and necessary, so that even the persons themselves are prohibited from attacking their human dignity, which is a gift of God. It is because the scene of war can become the scene of the manifestation and fall of human dignity, ignoring human dignity and fighting has the most ugly and abominable face, because this is the heavenly call of the Holy Qur'an, which says: "And peace is good", peace is the best and the ideal of the Prophet. The seal, may God bless him and grant him peace, for humanity; The realization of world peace is, therefore, the Islamic government and the rulers of the Islamic society who care about the affairs of Muslims are worthy of secondary rulings and also according to the provisions of international law sources such as the Treaty (NPT), the United Nations Charter and the consultation of the International Court of Justice in 1996, which is an explicit reason for prohibiting There has been no use of weapons of mass destruction, and the use of this type of weapon for the legitimate defense of the country has been considered permissible. In order to preserve human dignity and advance military and defense goals, such as preventing the military attack of the enemy or defending against attacks against Islam, the Islamic government and Muslims, and especially to protect Human dignity, by forming full preparedness mechanisms, by all-round military preparation or acquisition of strength and jihadi preparation, has put fear and terror in the hearts of unbelievers and enemies, which prevents them from any military action against Islam and Muslims, and even insulting the human dignity of the people of this planet.
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