Social explanation of the story of the little fish from the point of view of structuralism
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic EducationMajed Ebtedaei 1 , Javad Mehraban Qezel Hesar 2 * , batol fakhreeslam 3
1 -
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Samad Behrangi, little black fish, structuralism, formalist, freedom, justice.,
Abstract :
Among the works of Samad Behrangi, which are all full of moral, political, and cultural issues, we come across the story of the little black fish, which disrupts the normal order and harmony with the gentle course of life and determines the path of its life apart from the thoughts of others. It is a story with a simple appearance and very subtle concepts, the protagonist fish is a symbol of a solo musician and a freedom-seeking soloist who seeks the truth of life. Samad Behrangi, with his story structure and appropriate form, sets the course of the story in such a way that the reader's heart is flowing. make it dynamic in receiving the truth.The present research tries place Samad Behrangi in the thought formthe story of the little black fish, which presented new content and new concepts in the old form, and according to the theory of the Russian thought form, which separates literature and art from reality. They know life. It must be said that Samad Behrangi in Little Black Fish has reached the concepts that are obtained from his works in the many years of vivid and close to reality impressions in front of the realities of society.We come to the point that Samad is a writer of new ideas and thought forms, who has given a new look to his works according to the old forms of new content that emanated from his creative mind. The story is told and its secrets are revealed.
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