The role of ethics in the mystical behavior of Najaf school
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Ali Akbar Afrasiab pour
hosein Arian
1 -
2 - هیأت علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی زنجان
Keywords: Islamic mysticism, Seleucid ethics, Najaf school, self-knowledge, Shiite mysticism,
Abstract :
The science of ethics is interested in introducing and recognizing the values of virtues and vices in order to improve the individual and the society, and it is effective for many other purposes as well. Since Irfan is concerned with the way to get closer to Allah, it also uses ethics in a way, that is, it follows it in order to refine the soul in positions and circumstances. In this article, with the method of logical analysis and the library method, referring to the available documents, the position of ethics in the Najaf mystic school is discussed, and at first, a brief introduction of the Najaf school is presented, and then the importance of ethics in the relationship between man and himself and with God, and in Finally, it deals with the specific solution of the Najaf school in the course of mysticism, which is deduced from religious worship, moral refinement, and self-knowledge, a theory that is considered a new method in Islamic mysticism and moral education. In this school, conduct becomes possible within the framework of Sharia and by acquiring moral virtues.
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