Investigation of the protagonist's character based on Karen Horne's theory in the novel The House of Idrisii
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
parshang Eilkhanizadeh
Hossein Dadashi
Arash Moshfeghi
1 - Islamic Azad University, Bonab branch
2 - Islamic Azad University, Bonab branch
3 -
Keywords: Psychology, Karen Horney, Novel, The Idrisi House,
Abstract :
Literature deals with emotional faculties and the inner world of humans, and it can sometimes help alleviate psychological issues and strengthen individuals' mental balance. Therefore, a proper analysis of literary works can aid in a better understanding of the author's existence and nature. This article examines the hero's personality in the novel "The Idrisi House" based on Karen Horney's theory. Horney, as a revisionist of Freudian psychoanalysis, has either completed or revised Freud's theories. Horney's views on personality, especially her theories on personality types, reflect her personal experiences. Horney believes that the methods and strategies people use to protect themselves lead to the formation of three main personality types: the compliant, the aggressive, and the detached. This theory helps us gain a deeper understanding of characters' traits and motivations through precise analysis. The results indicate that in "The Idrisi House," Wahab is a detached and compliant personality seeking inner peace and the affection of others. Leqa is a compliant individual who, through kindness and empathy, seeks to attract attention and affection from others and readily follows orders. Mrs. Idrisi exhibits a combination of compliant and aggressive traits, striving to assist others while maintaining her power and status. Shaukat is an aggressive and vengeful individual who uses anger and demeaning behavior to maintain his superiority and views others as tools for achieving his goals..
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