Social observance and the implementation of divine traditions based on the statement of the second step of the Islamic revolution
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic EducationMohammad Janghorban 1 , Khalil Bahrami Ghasrchami 2 * , Javad Ostad Mohammadi 3
1 - PhD student in Political Science, Department of Political Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 -
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: divine traditions, modern Iranian Islamic civilization, the second step of the Islamic revolution,
Abstract :
Throughout human history, there have always been fixed and eternal traditions or permanent and unchanging laws, each of which is realized in a way aligned with God's wisdom. A number of these traditions are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, among which we can mention: the help of the believers from the Almighty, the reward of the righteous, the testing of humans and the punishment of the wicked. It is obvious that knowing and paying attention to these traditions play a significant role in the growth and prosperity of the individual and society, and provide the ground for achieving human perfection. Therefore, the most important question is: How does the implementation of divine traditions in the executive institutions of the system provide the necessary grounds for the second step of the Islamic revolution? The main hypothesis shows: the realization of divine traditions in the executive institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran has strengthened the foundations of governance, public satisfaction, and increased trust and participation, and helps to realize the second step of the Islamic Revolution. Descriptive analytical method has been used to analyze the content in writing the article.
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