The speech act of Iranshahri's thoughts of El-Ma'ali based on Austin's perspective
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Educationmahsa farahmandnezhad 1 , maryam shabanzade 2 * , Abbas Nikbakht 3
1 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, Department of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran
2 - Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran
3 -
Keywords: Rantam al-Maali, Qabusnameh, Iranshahri Andishe, John Austin, speech act,
Abstract :
The use of linguistic theories in the analysis of literary works can provide researchers with appropriate measures. The theory of speech act as a practical theory considers speech as a social and communication act and by examining the language in the context, it seeks to discover the hidden angles of meanings. In this article, using library sources and Using the method of content analysis, it has been tried to analyze the coordinates and components of Iranshahri's thought of the noble element in Qaboos Nameh from the perspective of John Langshaw Austin's speech acts in order to obtain a stronger analysis of his thought. The findings of the research indicate that the noble element of Iranshahri's thoughts is not only presented in its literal sense, but his goal is to influence the audience. As a matter of fact, the intention of Sarantul Maali to express and write the coordinates and components of Iranshahri's thought is to communicate and compose his advice, opinion and judgment. It's as if Sanrat al-Maali considers himself obliged to perform an action by writing and editing Qaboos-nameh, and finally, the language of Sanrat al-Maali does not express it clearly as much as it does something..
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