The Effect of the marriage of Iranian women with foreigners from a jurisprudential and ethical perspective
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
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Keywords: : citizenship, ethical, marriage, barriers to marriage, legal legislation The corresponding author: Parviz Moradgholi: A PhD. Student in religious jurisprudence Ali Alebouheh, Assistant professor ,
Abstract :
A Survey on the Effect of the Iranian Woman Marriage to Foreigners Ali Alebouheh* Department of religious jurisprudence; Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University; Zahedan. Parviz Moradgholi Department of religious jurisprudence; Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University; Zahedan. The subject of Iranian woman’s marriage to foreigners is considered a serious issue as it has coincided with the arrival of Afghan and Iraqi neighbors to our country. This issue has caused serious problems to Iran. In addition to political and social problems caused by such marriage, it has also a significant effect on their family situation. In the current legal system of Iran, the differences between the citizenship of a husband because of his women are enacted barriers by the legislatures in Article 1060 of the Civil Code; however, the citizenship of a husband lacks any precedent in legal records. In this paper, the concept of marriage and citizenship, arrangements and legal terms relating to the restrictions of marriage of Iranian women to foreigners and its consequences has been investigated. It was suggested that appropriate education about marriage through social media should be given to women. This issue also should be considered serious in the regulations
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