Providing Citizen Participation Patterns in the Feeling of General Ethics Issues
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Karamolah Daneshfard
mehraban hadi peykani
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Keywords: citizen participation, feelings of problem, general issues, ethics,
Abstract :
The present research is aimed at designing and presenting a model of citizen participation in the sense of general issues based on ethics. The purpose of this research was exploratory and in terms of method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first stage, the qualitative and content analysis method In the second phase of the study, the Delphi technique was used to determine the dimensions and components of citizen participation. After three phases of Delphi, citizens participated in the sensation of public affairs, the reporting of the components (presence and non-attendance), followed by The components (legal, organizational, economic), followed by cooperation with the components (individual, organizational, social) and later the citizen DVD with component (personal, social, political) was approved by the experts. In order to survey and test the population of the statistical society, citizens who referred to the Islamic Consultative Assembly were referred. Using Morgan table and random sampling method, 388 people were selected as the statistical sample. Analysis and analysis of research data with the help of software The modeling of structural equations was confirmed by PST and PSTS, and the structure of the model was confirmed according to the analysis. Findings indicate that the degree of variance explained by the sensation (0.89). Positive Q values for all variables indicate that these variables contribute to the promotion of citizen participation
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