Imperssionability of Ibn Meskavieh from farabi regarding moderateness and prosperity
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Keywords: encyclopedia of Qur’an, Ahzab/53, hijab. prophet’s wives ,
Abstract :
After the translation period and Muslim's focusing on the Greek cultural and intellectual scholars, Aristotle moral books became popular. While his metaphysical and logical views were also being spread all around Islamic lands, Muslims' attention to his moral works is significant, though there were other philosopher's ideas in this field. We can list well-known scholars who tried to study the moral issues and philosophy of ethics. Among all of their ethical systems, some including Al-Farabi and Ibn Meskavayh focused on Aristotle thoughts and his famous idea of "golden mean". Al- Farabi wrote the book of Tahsil Al- Sa'adat (Achieving Happiness) and Ibn Meskavayh wrote Al-Taharat (Purification) and Tahzib E Nafs (Refining Soul). Both scholars appreciated Aristotle's ideas in designing a moral system. In fact, Al-Farabi is known as a connecting chain between his later philosophers and Aristotle. Therefore, in this paper, we are trying to compare Ibn Meskavayh and Farabi's view points on different ethical issues including mean, happiness, and virtue. Also we are studying about the influence of Al-Farabi on Ibn Meskavayh thoughts and representing their similar ideas influenced by religion. Finally, we come to this conclusion that Ibn Meskavayh was influenced by both Aristotle and Al-Farabi. Aristotle affected him through his idea of "golden mean" and Al-Farabi influenced him through analyzing the idea and religious teachings.
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