Ethical practices in entrepreneurship and export learning orientation
Subject Areas : Ethical contexts of management and government
Ali Kazemi
Alireza Rousta
abdollah naami
1 - Islamic Azad University
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Keywords: Export Commitment, Export Learning Orientation, Competitiveness, Export Performance, Market Distance, Export Entrepreneurship.,
Abstract :
One of the key factors in achieving sustainable and prosperous economic growth is 'export' which is considered the most important goal in trade policy. Meanwhile, one of the requirements for economic development of the country is increasing food and agricultural export as one of the non-oil commodity export to move away from the oil-based economy, enter the global economic market and create diversity in exported goods. Therefore, the study of effective variables contributing to the field of export is of paramount importance. Considering the crucial role of human's effort and entrepreneurship in regard to religious education, it can be deduced that through examining verse 39 of Surah Najm, verse 15 of Surah Taha, verse 22 of Surah Ansab, the spiritual personality of human beings is directly in line with their own work and effort. In other words, the criterion for admiring people in the world of survival is what they do and the lasting impact they can have on the world. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of export learning orientation and entrepreneurship along with the contributing factors on export performance and to find the paradoxical role of market distance and its moderating role in the relationship between two variables of learning orientation and export performance. To test the research hypotheses, a sample of 296 people who worked in companies that took part in the International Exhibition of Food and Agriculture in 1998 was selected. Using a standard questionnaire and random sampling method, data was collected and analyzed by SPSS and smart PLS software. The findings of the present study depict that the export commitment, resources and intensity of competition have a positive effect on export entrepreneurship, but the effect of market distance on export entrepreneurship is not significant. The results also reveal the positive effect of the export learning orientation and entrepreneurship on the export performance of the sample companies. However, increasing the market distance variable weakens the relationship between export learning orientation and export performance.
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