Analytical and comparative research on types of freedom from the perspective of Islam and the West
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
mohammad sharifani
Mohammad marefat
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2 - yes
Keywords: Freedom, types of freedom, legitimate freedom, limited freedom.,
Abstract :
In this article, with descriptive and analytical methods and with the help of written documents, the types of freedom from the perspective of Islam and the West have been investigated and analyzed in order to increase the effectiveness and growth of moral productivity. From the point of view of Islam, freedom is a means to achieve goals and it is different from the concept of laziness and laziness, which are considered morally reprehensible traits. Freedom in the social system, especially the religious society, has important benefits and effects by respecting its limits and boundaries. In order to achieve such an ideal, the types of freedom from the point of view of Islam must be carefully analyzed and examined. The question of the current research is, according to Islamic teachings, what are the types of freedom? What is the difference between the views of Islam and the West on the issue of freedom? What are illegitimate and unreasonable freedoms? In this article, it became clear that there are various types and definitions of freedom, each of which is concerned with its dimensions. Since man is a social being, he cannot have absolute freedom; Therefore, freedom will always be limited by limitations and conditions, and reason, revelation and law are its general limits. The religion of Islam accepts and emphasizes freedom of thought, expression, and politics with the considerations that are based on agreement with the fundamentals of religion, while separating freedom of thought from freedom of belief, and emphasizing freedom of thought and freedom from inquisition, freedom of belief. does not accept.
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