An Analytical Study of the Theory of Violence in Carl Schmidt's Political Theory
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Samad Zahiri
Sattar Zanganeh Tabar
reza nasiri hamed
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Keywords: Political, Ruler, Government, Friend-Enemy, Violence. ,
Abstract :
Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. Carl Schmitt is one of the most important political and legal theorists of the twentieth century who has explained the concept of violence. Schmitt divides human life into diverse and relatively independent realms of thought and action, including ethics, aesthetics, economics, etc. The realm of politics and "political" is one of these realms with the criterion of friend-enemy distinction. The political premise of the state and the state is the manifestation of the nature of politics. Politics is also the decision of the ruling person in an exceptional situation. The ruler is the one who decides in exceptional circumstances. The government, or the ruling person, has a complete monopoly on the use of violence. The ruler, who decides and assigns tasks for it from outside the legal system, is forced to use violence, which is called sovereign violence. This article attempts to explain the theory of violence in Carl Schmitt political thought.
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