Comparison of the features of romanticism in Nima and Forough Farrokhzad poetry
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
Manijheh Hamrah
mostafa salari
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Keywords: Romanticism, Nima Yoshij, Forough Farrokhzad, Rhetoric, Image, Metaphorical Style.,
Abstract :
The main issue of this paper is the comparison of the image in the poems of Nima and Forough Farrokhzad from the perspective of the romantic image. The romantic image of the epistemological and aesthetic nature is fundamentally different from the classical, symbolic, and surrealistic. The author has tried to explain the nature of the romantic image in three parts: in the first part, explains the special features of romantic imagery with the discussion of four characteristics: transformation in nature, shadow of the image, dynamics, and individuality in the image. In the second section, the relationship between the images and the position of the image in the context of the poem is examined by two characteristics of continuity and maturity. The paper is based on a descriptive-analytical method based on a library method.
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