Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in the words of revelation and in the expression of the Prophet and the guardians of God "with a health approach in Islamic life"
Subject Areas : Social ethics and behavioral modeling
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Keywords: Quran, verses, traditions, the commandment of the well-known, the prohibition of evil, the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Imams (pbuh). ,
Abstract :
It is better to speak well than anyone else, but the word of revelation, with its moral and human scent, gives another vitality to the soul and spirit of man. Although our divine word is above the human word, its beautiful manifestation has been crystallized in the words of the great prophets and the pure Imams (as) as the special successors of the last prophet of the order of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil are among the certain doctrinal and moral principles among the Islamic sect, and it has its own special place among other religious sects. This common inner desire among human beings indicates the unity of human nature. Benevolence, benevolence, and moral goodness are the scents of fragrance that come from the fragrance of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and are felt in the breath of healthy human beings. It is on this basis that a person has a desire for good things from within and avoids ugly things. Based on this inner desire, the implementation of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil seems to be a necessary and obligatory condition.
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