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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A look at the category of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the poetry of Qaisar Aminpour
        shahrbano hoseinzadeh ahmad reza keikhay farzane mostafa salari
        <p>Among the various themes that can be seen in the poetry of revolution and stability, the beautiful theme is martyrdom and self-sacrifice. This subject has been present in classical poems since ancient times, the most beautiful manifestation of which can be seen in As More
        <p>Among the various themes that can be seen in the poetry of revolution and stability, the beautiful theme is martyrdom and self-sacrifice. This subject has been present in classical poems since ancient times, the most beautiful manifestation of which can be seen in Ashura poems and the description of the Ashura event and the martyrs of Imam Hussein (AS). This theme remained in the poems until the time of the imposed war in Iran and eight years of holy defense. The poets of this period tried to immortalize the memory of these martyrs in various forms and pure and beautiful descriptions. Qaisar Aminpour is one of the prominent poets of the revolution who has developed the concept of martyrdom and self-sacrifice in the most subtle way in his poems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate this special theme in the poems of Qaisar Aminpour so that we can know more about the frequency and attention of Qaisar Aminpour to this category. Methods: The present research is a theoretical study that has been done by library research method and descriptive-analytical method. Scope and community studied, three books by Qaisar Aminpour entitled "Grammar of love, morning breathing and a complete collection of poems" published by Sokhan Publications. Findings and Results: With the studies that were done, we came to the conclusion that the main trick of the emperor to talk about martyrdom and self-sacrifice was to talk about Ashura and Imam Hussein (AS) and the events related to that event. In fact, in order to keep philosophy alive, the emperor has chosen the theme and motive of eight years of defense, the theme of martyrdom and self-sacrifice.</p> Manuscript profile
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        2 - Philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education
        Seyed Nuraddin  Hosseini Ali Asghar mashinchi Mokhtar ranjbar
        <p>The purpose of this research is to study the philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education. In terms of goals, this research is practical and in terms of the method of data collection, it is More
        <p>The purpose of this research is to study the philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education. In terms of goals, this research is practical and in terms of the method of data collection, it is a comparative content analysis, and for this purpose, data was first collected based on data sheets and information records. and education by Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai, their number was 80 volumes, and the ones that had the most relevance to the topic were selected with a purposeful and criteria-based sampling method. And it was done in a coding way. The tool used is in the form of recording information and extracting fiche from authentic sources, articles and documents, which is done in a library or documentary way. The method of data analysis was the method of coding (open coding, axial coding and selective coding). The findings showed that the previous research by other researchers was somewhat consistent with the results obtained in this research and some indicators and the component obtained in the present research is confirmed by the previous findings. After examining and studying the theoretical foundations and research background and documents with articles and researchers, 7 dimensions, 28 components and 72 indicators were identified in the form of the department's findings, that philosophical thought has4components and 12 indicators, educational thought has 4 components and 10 indicators, and Political4components and 9 indicators, optimal education 4components and 11 indicators, unification of attributes4 components and 9 indicators,happiness 4 components and 11 indicators and sublime wisdom 4 components and 10 indicators were identified.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The influence of Iranian culture in the establishment of Christianity in Armenia with considerations about some ritual terms of the Armenian Church
        Ali Rahmani Nadereh Nafisi Soleiman  Aminzadeh Farzad Mafi
        <p>In 301 AD, as a result of the efforts of "Gregor Roshangar", the first "Archbishop" (Catholicos) of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Christianity was announced as the official religion of Armenia. But it should be noted that Christianity was preached long before this d More
        <p>In 301 AD, as a result of the efforts of "Gregor Roshangar", the first "Archbishop" (Catholicos) of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Christianity was announced as the official religion of Armenia. But it should be noted that Christianity was preached long before this date, that is, in the beginning of the first century AD by "Apostle Thaddeus" and in the second century by "Apostle Bartholomew". Although these two apostles had many followers, Christianity was not yet accepted by the general public in Armenia. Saints such as "Hripsime", "Gayane" and their disciples who were trying to spread Christianity were also stoned by the king's orders, because they had turned away from the popular religion of the time. Christianity spread in the North Caucasus lands mostly by Armenian and Georgian missionaries, but from the ninth to the twelfth centuries, all these Christian lands gradually converted to Islam and the Christian works in this region disappeared. For example, the first reference to the spread of Christianity by the Armenian Apostolic Church in Dagestan dates back to the 4th century AD; In one of the versions of "Darband Name" it is mentioned that the residents of Darband accepted Christianity in 355 AD. The authors of this article have investigated some religious terms of the Armenian Church such as "cross", "maabd" and "altar" and have shown that all these terms are derived from Iranian languages and even traces of them can be seen in the languages of the North Caucasus.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The influence of Iranian culture in the establishment of Christianity in Armenia with considerations about some ritual terms of the Armenian Church
        Sahar Sadeghimehr hamed hayati
        <p>In 301 AD, as a result of the efforts of "Gregor Roshangar", the first "Archbishop" (Catholicos) of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Christianity was announced as the official religion of Armenia. But it should be noted that Christianity was preached long before this d More
        <p>In 301 AD, as a result of the efforts of "Gregor Roshangar", the first "Archbishop" (Catholicos) of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Christianity was announced as the official religion of Armenia. But it should be noted that Christianity was preached long before this date, that is, in the beginning of the first century AD by "Apostle Thaddeus" and in the second century by "Apostle Bartholomew". Although these two apostles had many followers, Christianity was not yet accepted by the general public in Armenia. Saints such as "Hripsime", "Gayane" and their disciples who were trying to spread Christianity were also stoned by the king's orders, because they had turned away from the popular religion of the time. Christianity spread in the North Caucasus lands mostly by Armenian and Georgian missionaries, but from the ninth to the twelfth centuries, all these Christian lands gradually converted to Islam and the Christian works in this region disappeared. For example, the first reference to the spread of Christianity by the Armenian Apostolic Church in Dagestan dates back to the 4th century AD; In one of the versions of "Darband Name" it is mentioned that the residents of Darband accepted Christianity in 355 AD. The authors of this article have investigated some religious terms of the Armenian Church such as "cross", "maabd" and "altar" and have shown that all these terms are derived from Iranian languages and even traces of them can be seen in the languages of the North Caucasus.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Application of moral values in kindergarten architecture based on Islamic teachings
        abdulrazzagh abdolhamidahmad reza nik khah siamak jafarzadeh
        <p>Ethics is the knowledge of how to live. Moral values are one of the most important factors in the formation process of Islamic architecture. Architecture is an arena for the emergence of individual and social life and the expression of moral values. Paying attention More
        <p>Ethics is the knowledge of how to live. Moral values are one of the most important factors in the formation process of Islamic architecture. Architecture is an arena for the emergence of individual and social life and the expression of moral values. Paying attention to the existential moral values of man and society is one of the basic needs of the formation of the environment and human life. Considering the effects of the environment as one of the effective factors on the moral education of the child, we need a detailed understanding of the characteristics that affect the moral education of the child so that we can design an environment that helps the moral development of the child and actually education Follow the child's morals. Here, the question is raised, what strategies and solutions have Islamic teachings provided regarding a suitable environment for the moral education of children? And what are the characteristics of a suitable kindergarten for the moral education of a child based on Islamic teachings? Accordingly, the aim of this research is to provide principles and a model for kindergarten design based on moral teachings. In this research, it has been tried by referring to Islamic teachings and with the method of logical reasoning and their interpretation and analysis, the environmental components and architecture of a suitable place for the moral education of children have been deduced and presented.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Ethic crimes Related to unauthorized activities related to Currency Password
        Mohammad Esmaeil  Abdollahi Sara  Hosseinpour Chaijani
        <p>Economic instability, declining revenues, and government control over economic policies have led to weakening economic security in the private sector and other domestic sectors. Cryptocurrency crimes are the result of scattered tactics commensurate with the electroni More
        <p>Economic instability, declining revenues, and government control over economic policies have led to weakening economic security in the private sector and other domestic sectors. Cryptocurrency crimes are the result of scattered tactics commensurate with the electronic deposit and withdrawal of currency,including the use of Bitcoin, Light Coin, Atrium, and other cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes;The present article aims to investigate the crimes of illegal activities related to cryptocurrencies,which has been done by descriptive and analytical methods, while examining the concept of crimes and illegal activities in the field of cryptocurrencies to identify new methods of cryptocurrencies by criminals with Use cryptocurrencies; In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of using cryptocurrencies have been legally analyzed to provide an effective step in identifying the crimes of criminals and preventing them in order to achieve the goals of the research and reveal its dimensions. The results of the study show; Virtual and digital currencies are not in fact illegal. On the other hand, the law for their use has not been approved, except for citing Article 138 of the Constitution of 1398, which uses the currency code subject to the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Mines. Operation based on monetary and payment networks based on blockchain technology and related businesses has focused on developers or a stakeholder organization, which remains a major challenge.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Comparative study of seven mystical stages in the works of Maulavi and Attar
        Leila Farzaneh Hossein-Qoli Sayyadi Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Gheibi
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics a More
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics and Sufis. Also, clarifying the concepts of each of these officials according to the views of Attar and Rumi and expressing how these concepts are used in mystical and moral stories are two other goals of this research. Showed that in some cases the views of Attar and Rumi are different. Sufis and mystics each have opposing views on the journey to God and meeting God. What arose at the beginning of the official emergence of Western-influenced Sufism in Iran and its sphere of ritual and linguistic influence until it reached Rumi and Attar, although beautiful in appearance and constantly in conflict with the Shari'a, is an amalgam of philosophical views. Greek and eclectic were other ideas, forming parallel and sometimes contradictory currents, which played a significant role in the continuation of Sufism..</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - انعکاس اوضاع اجتماعی فرهنگی جامعه در اشعار رمانتیسم انسی الحاج و هوشنگ ابتهاج
        salim ghaderi naser hosini Ardeshir  Sadroddini
        <p>The romanticism movement had many followers all over the world who presented their works to the reader as one of the pioneers of this school. The main purpose of the research is to explain the basis of the approach of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj in the romantic s More
        <p>The romanticism movement had many followers all over the world who presented their works to the reader as one of the pioneers of this school. The main purpose of the research is to explain the basis of the approach of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj in the romantic school and a comparative study of the style of those two poets taking into account the social and cultural situation. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In order to collect the materials needed to investigate romanticism in the poems of Ansi al-Haj and Hoshang Ebtahaj, first, studies will be conducted on the influence of the school of romanticism in literature, as well as its effect on the poems of Alhaj and Ebtahaj, and the required materials will be extracted from books, articles and authoritative scientific sites. By describing and analyzing these materials and data, romanticism and its various manifestations in the poems of Al-Hajj and Ibtahaj are compared and its most important trends and manifestations are shown. In this research, the results show that Ibtahaj uses romanticism in the field of struggle, politics and love for freedom and revolution, and he directs his efforts to political protest and social work, and in Alhaj's poems, mixing romanticism with revolutionary and dynamic literature is one of the characteristics. Y A poem is considered a poet. Also, Ibthaj considers death in the field as a worthy death and it is equivalent to victory, but in al-Haj's poem, he has a different interpretation and death is a window that opens another hope for him. Ibtahaj is one of the poets who has many skills in dealing with inner desires and spiritual sufferings and romanticism of nature, and the romanticism of the return of nature can be seen in Al-Haj's poems.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The effectiveness of the moral behavior of Iranians from the presence of Imam Reza (AS) in Iran
        Omran Gasemi kolashlu Davoud Esfahanian mahbub mahdavian Masomeh Gharadaghi
        <p>With the emigration of Imam Reza (a.s.), places of pilgrimage and worship were established in Iran, which can be referred to as the construction of buildings such as mosques and seminaries centered on Shiite culture. The migration of Sadat after the arrival of Imam R More
        <p>With the emigration of Imam Reza (a.s.), places of pilgrimage and worship were established in Iran, which can be referred to as the construction of buildings such as mosques and seminaries centered on Shiite culture. The migration of Sadat after the arrival of Imam Reza (a.s.) to Iran, which was later persecuted by the Abbasids and many of them were martyred in different cities, and the tombs of each became a focus for Shiite culture and spread Shiism. The blessed tombs in Iran is a manifestation of the ideals of Shiism that was rooted in Islam and in fact it is considered a huge support for the high standards and values of the Shiite school. The main question of this research is what effect did the presence of Imam Reza in Iran have on the moral behavior of the people? The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. The results of this research show that with the presence of Imam Reza (a.s.) in Iran, people were guided towards spirituality, and after his martyrdom, the people of Iran were invited by promoting the culture of pilgrimage and the presence of Sadat. They found an increasing growth in spirituality. After the martyrdom of Imam Reza, his friends and Shiites noticed his pilgrimage, and gradually places of pilgrimage and worship appeared in Mashhad, and different classes of people, especially Shiite scholars, settled there.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Conceptual Clothing Therapy According to Ethical Principles of Alain De Botton, John Armstrong Views
        maryam mounesi sorkheh zahra sheikhi
        <p>Throughout history, clothing has been a powerful way of expressing a specific concept. But in the current post-modern era, it is considered as the secondary nature of mankind. Considering clothing as an independent artwork can shed light on what the nature of concept More
        <p>Throughout history, clothing has been a powerful way of expressing a specific concept. But in the current post-modern era, it is considered as the secondary nature of mankind. Considering clothing as an independent artwork can shed light on what the nature of conceptual fashion is today, which contains a wide variety of contents. This approach can be traced back to the major dissident art movement. The period in which clothing, as an independent work of art, was considered as an item able to elevate its wearers higher than where they could previously reach with their natural gifts. The main purpose of this study is to identify the mental weaknesses of mankind and the role of conceptual clothing in stimulating, soothing, and guiding the subjects. However, the important question is: How clothing can be therapeutic for its subjects in an interactive environment? In addition to having an artistic view of clothing, which already plays a major role in influencing the subjects in the form of conceptual art, this research seeks to put forward a modern view called interactive-therapeutic clothing. The therapeutic approach to clothing as well as a recent notion stated in this research seeks to replace the notion claiming that it is only possible to have either a practical approach or an aesthetic one towards clothing. Accordingly, clothing is going to be surveyed in respect of the seven psychological functions of art attempting to eliminate the psychological weaknesses proposed by Alain de Botton and John Rutherford Armstrong. And to realise that because of the capabilities of clothing in influencing the subjects clothing is a crucial element in art as therapy. Entering the world of art would be a difficult task, though, since in recent decades clothing has been looked on as an item that can either be useful or aesthetic. Nevertheless, by knowing the importance of the existing web of connections between the phenomenological concepts and descriptions proposed by Merleau-Ponty and by generalizing this to the world of interactive performance we can get the key. the body is our observation platform already present in all of our experiences; thus, it receives some concepts like colour, space and depth. From the beginning to the end of this research conceptual clothing is regarded as an instance of art able to induce different concepts and actions on the subjects since they will have a corporeal experience of art. This experience takes place in an environment where clothing, next to the other instances of art, would be the most influential and leading element in influencing the subjects, since by wearing the clothes they are the actual performer. So clothes, the most intimate work of art to the body, can give the subjects a better understanding of some concepts by making them aware that they all own an artistic self and helping them revive their senses of creativity and innovation. This research is done through correlational and analytical studies. The data of this study has been gathered from other papers and books.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Comparison of the features of romanticism in Nima and Forough Farrokhzad poetry
        Manijheh  Hamrah BEHROZ ROMIANI mostafa salari
        <p>The main issue of this paper is the comparison of the image in the poems of Nima and Forough Farrokhzad from the perspective of the romantic image. The romantic image of the epistemological and aesthetic nature is fundamentally different from the classical, symbolic, More
        <p>The main issue of this paper is the comparison of the image in the poems of Nima and Forough Farrokhzad from the perspective of the romantic image. The romantic image of the epistemological and aesthetic nature is fundamentally different from the classical, symbolic, and surrealistic. The author has tried to explain the nature of the romantic image in three parts: in the first part, explains the special features of romantic imagery with the discussion of four characteristics: transformation in nature, shadow of the image, dynamics, and individuality in the image. In the second section, the relationship between the images and the position of the image in the context of the poem is examined by two characteristics of continuity and maturity. The paper is based on a descriptive-analytical method based on a library method.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Analysis of the character of Khaled, the protagonist of the novel Neighbours, the Story of a City and the Burnt Earth by Ahmad Mahmoud from the sociological perspective of George Lukács
        Fariborz  Jafari Ahmadi Faramarz Shirinbayan Mohammad Saleh  Amiri
        <p>The purpose of sociology of literature is to express the links between society and literature and also to reveal how social realities are reflected in literary works, especially in novels. Luk&aacute;cs, as one of the greatest theorists in the field of sociology of l More
        <p>The purpose of sociology of literature is to express the links between society and literature and also to reveal how social realities are reflected in literary works, especially in novels. Luk&aacute;cs, as one of the greatest theorists in the field of sociology of literature, tried to show the mutual influence between social structures and literary structures. He considers the novel to be a reflection of the social life of the author's era and also a product of his particular worldview. Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the realist story writers, whose main focus is to express the type of social life of the people of his time, and this issue can be seen in his works. Therefore, the three novels Neighbors, The Story of a City and Burnt Earth can be analyzed based on the sociological theory of George Luk&aacute;cs and the following hypotheses can be put forward: 1- Social novels can be used to reform and improve structures. and cultural-social attitudes are effective. 2- Contemporary novels can not only be a mirror of the whole society with their realistic view, but they can also influence the society from a cultural-social and even political point of view. to be influential and cause intellectual changes in their readers. 3- According to the sociological theories of George Luk&aacute;cs, the sociological analysis of these three novels can be a guide to identify his worldview.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The effect of ethical characteristics of managers on the relationship between conservatism and cost of equity
        Saied  AhmadVand Azita Jahanshad
        <p>One of the tools and mechanisms of drafting accounting standards is conservatism. Conservatism has been proposed as a useful tool for the board of directors in order to fully implement key tasks such as determining strategies, comprehensive supervision of the company More
        <p>One of the tools and mechanisms of drafting accounting standards is conservatism. Conservatism has been proposed as a useful tool for the board of directors in order to fully implement key tasks such as determining strategies, comprehensive supervision of the company's executive directors, and ensuring accountability to shareholders and stakeholders in recent years. Conservatism is placed as a criterion of pessimism in front of the manager's optimism to increase the quality of profit. Studies show that managers do not always behave in a completely rational way, and under the influence of characteristics such as optimism, overconfidence, etc., they may make irrational decisions that have an important impact on the company's financial and operational activities. On the other hand, one of the basic elements in making investment decisions is the cost of equity, which decreases the economic added value of companies. In order to maintain the value of the economic unit, the management should try to bring the expected return to at least the level of the cost of equity. In this, the key to success is reducing the cost of equity. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the question of whether the moral characteristics of managers have an effect on the non-linear relationship between accounting conservatism and the cost of equity? This research has been carried out in the framework of inductive-inductive arguments. In this research, library and field methods were used to collect information. The theoretical bases and researches carried out were used as a library basis. The statistical population of this research includes all the companies accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the financial periods of 1392-1401. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples used in this research has been obtained for an error of 0.085 (about 8.5%). According to the findings of the research, with the increase of managers' overconfidence, the relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity will weaken, and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase in managers' optimism, the relationship between the conservatism of managers and the cost of equity is strengthened, and there is a direct relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase of overconfidence, the cost of equity will decrease and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase of the company size variable, the relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity weakens, and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variable. This variable supports the linear relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity.</p> Manuscript profile