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        1 - Violation of author's rights in cyberspace and its moral implications
        Mohammad  shakori Nejad Ali  Almasi
        In Islamic mysticism, one of the most important rights of individuals is the trusteeship and protection of the rights of the parties. One of the most important rights of authors is their moral rights. Nonetheless, law-enforcement works worldwide have become increasingly More
        In Islamic mysticism, one of the most important rights of individuals is the trusteeship and protection of the rights of the parties. One of the most important rights of authors is their moral rights. Nonetheless, law-enforcement works worldwide have become increasingly cyberspace. Works such as films, recording and display of music and scientific texts, can be sent to all over the world, and in today's world, more mystical study is required. Duplication of works in databases located in foreign countries and publicly available intellectual works by online service providers is one of the greatest legal challenges. The violations of moral rights of the author, regardless of their mystical levels, can be carried out continuously in different countries. Because digital access to the digital universe is possible and makes it possible for recipients and traffickers of intellectual works to do so, it is very difficult to locate the works of art and art there where they are produced, reproduced or violated. In international documents, the determination of the competent court has been made to determine where the violation of moral rights has been committed. But it seems that this criterion is ineffective due to the crampiness of the cyber space, and also needs to be further explored in Islamic mysticism. Therefore, in this paper, using a library research methodology based on the place of activity of Internet service providers, a new criterion for determining the competent court and its explanation in Islamic mysticism is presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Moral conscience and its function on the behavior of judges in the Iranian judicial system
        Yahya Jafari Ahmad Reza  Khazaei Jamshid  Masoumi
        Judgment has a high status in the Islamic jurisprudential school and the judge, as an important pillar of this school, in addition to having a remarkable dignity, is also exposed to internal and external dangers. The spread of justice, as the final goal of the judicial More
        Judgment has a high status in the Islamic jurisprudential school and the judge, as an important pillar of this school, in addition to having a remarkable dignity, is also exposed to internal and external dangers. The spread of justice, as the final goal of the judicial system, requires that worthy and pious people of will and faith in the position of this position, to issue a verdict and exercise the right, but given the existence of the essence in human existence, which He swears by the misguidance of man and in verse 82 of Surah Al-As, he says: In this research, it has been proved that although the health of the judiciary and the judge can be assured, but the role of supervision will not be negated and the supervisory body will create a map by explaining different indicators in this supervision. Manuscript profile