List of articles (by subject) Ethics and Islamic Education
Open Access Article
1 - Mo'lana's self-antagonism in Mathnawi
reza Haidari Nori -
Open Access Article
2 - Characteristic & requirements of extra-role behavior in educational organization from the viewpoint of holy Quran
Open Access Article
3 - The honorable security of human; a preeminent basis in citizenship rights
علیرضا انتظاری -
Open Access Article
4 - Perceived ethical climate in organization: the concepts and classifications
Open Access Article
5 - Legal and moarl effects of false advertising
Open Access Article
6 - Ecosophy and Ibn Arabi Application Divine Names and Attributes Marriage’s
Open Access Article
7 - Prevention strategies of social sins in the Qur'an
Open Access Article
8 - Comparative study of moral education Iran, China and America in the modern age in higher education
hasan malaki zakiya abbasi abas abbaspour saeed beheshti -
Open Access Article
9 - The Effect of the marriage of Iranian women with foreigners from a jurisprudential and ethical perspective
Open Access Article
10 - A Comparison of Western Psychological Forgiveness Model with that of Quran’s
Open Access Article
Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
Open Access Article
12 - Murder and Typification of the forgiveness (A Case Study of Guilan)
Open Access Article
13 - The Study of mosque distribution in the Tehran 8 region with spatial analyses in Geographic Information System
Open Access Article
14 - Shame is a lasting virtue or fleeting excitement
Open Access Article
15 - Explaining the Role of Human Dignity in Enhancing of Spirituality
Open Access Article
16 - Apology and forgiveness role in the sustainability of public life
morteza rahimi somayyeh soleymani -
Open Access Article
17 - The effect of Islamic work ethics on organizational culture and organizational health in RIPI
Open Access Article
18 - Critical review of ethical conflict from the perspective of David Ross, relying on the verses and narrations
Open Access Article
19 - The evaluation of adaptation teaching-learning methods with Islamic moral curriculum goals
Open Access Article
20 - Analysis of the quran procedure inealing with thin fidelity (with emphasis on the youth period)
Open Access Article
21 - Spiritual health of the soul From the perspective of Zakaria raazi In the book Medicine Spiritual
Open Access Article
22 - Ethics debate in the Islamic government
Mohsen Malek Afzali Ardakani -
Open Access Article
23 - Nature preserve life based on quran ethics
azam etemadifard -
Open Access Article
24 - Moral Judgment based on situation exceptionalization: A Phenomenological Investigation of Research Ethics
Open Access Article
25 - Excellences and Its connection with oneself power from the perspective of Meskoye
Open Access Article
26 - The Prediction of procrastination Based on patience Virtue with Meditating of Achievement Goals Components Among university Students
Open Access Article
27 - Effect of Passion on Seditions (Fitnas) in Imam Ali’s Age
Open Access Article
28 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
Open Access Article
29 - Moderation and it's role in security’s Soul in Plato
Open Access Article
30 - Explanation of sociological and ethical bed the foundations of dialogue in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Open Access Article
31 - The analysis of the relationship between ethical climate and innovation: the mediating role of creativity
Open Access Article
32 - Investigating and reviewing Nasir al-din's point of view about justice
Open Access Article
33 - Racism in Kant’s ethical view with accumbency on categorical imperative
mohsen javady -
Open Access Article
34 - Evolutionary Anthropology and Its Ethical Deadlock: Emphasizing on Golden Rule
Open Access Article
35 - The investigation of the educational training application of the verse in the holg Quran
Open Access Article
36 - Business ethics and ethical trading
حمید رضانیا شیرازی -
Open Access Article
37 - Justice Based on Emerged Conventions: A Critical Analysis of Skyrms’ Idea of Social Contract
Open Access Article
38 - Investigate the impact of Auditors ethical on the discovery of manipulated financial data
Open Access Article
39 - Euthanasia and differences in Jurisprudential، ethical between two kinds of active and passive
Open Access Article
40 - Meta-analysis of studies related to Islamic Work Ethics
Open Access Article
41 - Investigation The Alignment of moral values and organizational communication (Case of Study: Infrastructure communication co.)
Mohammad -
Open Access Article
42 - Educational function of self-esteem and its role on mental health from Quran and hadithsperspective
Ebrahim Noori -
Open Access Article
43 - The analysis of meaning elements of the ethic word “sacrifice" in Holey Quran
Open Access Article
44 - Critical thinking and Islamic training: Difference and similarity's dimensions
Mohammad -
Open Access Article
45 - Explain the Position of critical Thinking in Epistemic Deontology of Ethic of Belief
فرامرز محمدی پویا -
Open Access Article
46 - Evaluate the concept happiness from the perspective of Nasir al-Din Tusi
Open Access Article
47 - The Role of Islamic Work Ethics and Service Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Accountability, and Social Responsibility
Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh -
Open Access Article
48 - Foundations of the ontology of human generosity in Sadr Al-Motealehin’s notion
Open Access Article
49 - Cultural’s techniques of opponents of the Prophets In Quran
Open Access Article
50 - A critical inquiry of contemporary western philosophers' definition of morality
Mohammad -
Open Access Article
51 - Religion and Ethics according to Schleirmacher
Open Access Article
52 - The Position of Islamic Values in the Principles of Flexibility in Contemporary Houses
Open Access Article
53 - The "important and more important" principle, and the unethical theory of justification
Open Access Article
54 - Identify influencing factors in student culture at Islamic Azad University
Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
Open Access Article
55 - The Study of Factors Affecting Ethical Behavior in Consumers
Open Access Article
56 - Medical ethics and its place in the divine religions and Asian religions
Open Access Article
57 - Divine Paradigm Explanation for Environment and Natural Resources Preservation Education
Mansour shahvali -
Open Access Article
58 - The process of change moral values in the Eyes of George Gerbner and its criticism
محمد حسین ایراندوست -
Open Access Article
59 - The Theory of the Moral Permissibility of the Subjective Harm
شیرزاد پیک حرفه -
Open Access Article
60 - Effective moral attributes in Ijtihad
Open Access Article
61 - Query on the Robert Merrihew Adams's theory of virtue and the moral argument from the best explanation of objective moral values for the existence of God
امیرعباس علیزمانی -
Open Access Article
62 - Specify the ethics of belief Prerequisites
فرامرز محمدی پویا -
Open Access Article
63 - Status of self-control (Muraghebe) on rational ethics Abstract
حمید رضانیا شیرازی -
Open Access Article
64 - The Interaction between Jurisprudence and Morality in the Bases of Organs Transplant
Mohsen Malek Afzali Ardakani -
Open Access Article
65 - Morals of pedagogy in Islamic life style
سیدعلی موسوی -
Open Access Article
66 - Evaluating the Impact of Economic Poverty Ineffective moral education system
علی احمد ناصح Reza Najafi -
Open Access Article
67 - Threefold meanings of happiness in kant
mohsen javady -
Open Access Article
68 - Morocco-oriented exchange rate management and its impact on the economic activity of the last decade in Iran (2001-2011)
ahmad ali asadpoor -
Open Access Article
69 - Improving the Quality Level of Urban Public Spaces With Social Justice Approach (Case Study: Neighborhood of Tehran Municipality Area)
karamatollah ziyari -
Open Access Article
70 - The role of renunciation in Islamic training, concentraining Alavi and prophetic method
Open Access Article
71 - The Criminology of Religious Terrorism in Shi'a Ethics
Sayed Mahmood MirKhalili -
Open Access Article
72 - Studying the Relationship between "Moral Value" and "Making Informed choices" viewpoint of Nahj al-Balāghah
mohsen javady Fatemeh marzeih Hosseini kashani -
Open Access Article
73 - Interpretive Structural Modelling of Commitment to Islamic Values, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Iranian Food Manufacturing Companies
احسان ساده -
Open Access Article
74 - Dream and commitment to ethics
نادر شکراللهی -
Open Access Article
75 - Providing Citizen Participation Patterns in the Feeling of General Ethics Issues
Karamolah Daneshfard mehraban hadi peykani -
Open Access Article
76 - Teacher Professional Ethics: Strategies for increasing the passion for communicating in English classes
tayebeh fani maryam farzam -
Open Access Article
77 - The pattern of implementation of moral education based on the requirements of human dignity, with emphasis on the views of Kant and Martyr Motahhari
Open Access Article
78 - Ethics of awaiting in the absence of Imam
سیدعلی موسوی -
Open Access Article
79 - United Nations Sanctions Against the International Criminal Court Cooperation: The Impact of Ethical Principles Caused by Human Rights
Mohammad seyed ghasem zamani hasan savari mahdi hadavand -
Open Access Article
80 - Analyzing the Capacity of Islamic Ethics in the Protest Movement of the Palestinian Jihadists on the Israeli National Security Doctrine
Open Access Article
81 - Investigation the relationship between Islamic work ethic and organizational culture with job satisfaction given the role of mediator organizational commitment in Social Security Organization of Golestan Province
Open Access Article
82 - Investigating the role of mediator of job stress in the relationship between ethical leadership and the effectiveness of leadership with the intention of leaving the service
Open Access Article
83 - Attorney's commitment to honesty in a fair trial in the light of the psychology of lawyers
Open Access Article
84 - Methods to compensate for envir0nmental damage in the Iranian legal system
Open Access Article
85 - The role of NGOs in criminal proceeding In support of law and Citizenship Ethics
Open Access Article
86 - The position economic of education based on Islamic ethics in the content of textbooks in primary schools in Iran heavenly gift:Check the status quo and to provide guidelines for achieving optimal situation
Open Access Article
87 - The survey relationship between social support and occupational conflict employee in the ministry of interior Islamic republic of iran
Open Access Article
88 - The effect of spiritual well-being on self-efficacy, happiness and life expectancy of futsal women working in the futsal league
Open Access Article
89 - Design and validation of the spiritual education model of preschool children
Open Access Article
90 - The Quran home education system in the Prophet's way
Open Access Article
91 - Justice and Social Criticism
Open Access Article
92 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Delibrative Inguiry Curriculum Exercise at the Farhangian University from the Viewpoint of Professors
Open Access Article
93 - The relationship between sociol-cultural factors, the authority of teachers PNU: The Case of Kermanshah Province
Open Access Article
94 - The Prediction of the Ethical Climate based on a Selection of Demographic Characteristics of Wrestlers
Open Access Article
95 - The need for evolution in defects leads to the termination of marriage due to the legal and moral requirements of the family And new era phenomena
Open Access Article
Open Access Article
97 - Evolution of moral propositions with a jurisprudential approach
Open Access Article
98 - The reflection of ethics in the teachings of the Holy Defense Saints
Open Access Article
99 - An investigation into alignment between Quranic moral teachings and folk literature of Shahr-e Babak
Open Access Article
100 - Studying the Educational Status Of The Council From The Beginning Of Islam Until The End Of Umayyad Period
Open Access Article
101 - Relationship between haram's dealings with delinquency and its effect on individual and moral effects of individuals in verses and narrations
Open Access Article
102 - The place of education in Farabi's thought
Open Access Article
103 - The effect of ethics and Legal Security on Foreign investors in Iran
Open Access Article
104 - Analyzing problems and individual barriers of mental health from Islam perspective
Open Access Article
105 - The Relationship Between Religious Beliefs and Ethnic Growth and Creativity in Girls and Sons of the 9th Grade of Public Schools in Sari, District 2
Open Access Article
106 - The Place of Ethics in Descartes’ Philosophy
Open Access Article
107 - Moral Theology and its Possibility in Realm of Islamic thoughts
Open Access Article
108 - Consideration of Historical Background of Moral and Mystic Inclinations of Quran Researcher in Subcontinent of India in Medieval Era
Open Access Article
109 - Consideration of Historical Background of Moral and Mystic Inclinations of Quran Researcher in Subcontinent of India in Medieval Era
Open Access Article
110 - Universal Islam and ways of its spread from the point of Quran
Open Access Article
111 - Conventional equality benefit-seeking in Sunni’s Principles of Jurisprudence
Open Access Article
112 - The Phases of Servitude in attitude of Fakhre Razi with emphasis on Tafsir Kabir
Open Access Article
113 - Knowledge of Ethics, Definition, Subject and Aim
Open Access Article
114 - Eco-environmental Morality Paradigm in unity existence thought of Ebn Arabi
Open Access Article
115 - Analysis of theory of ideal supervisor in meta-ethics
Open Access Article
116 - God’s affection and love and it’s role in motivating morality from view point of Abu Hamed Qazali
Open Access Article
117 - Survey And Critique Of The Principles Of Utilitarian Ethics In Organizations
Open Access Article
118 - Private territory, social ethics
Open Access Article
119 - "Risk and its moral issues With attention to attention and acceptability "
Open Access Article
120 - Methods of moral education and the sayings, life and traditions of Imam Reza (AS)
Open Access Article
121 - The Concept of Trusteeship, Its Scope and Its Application in Islamic Medical Ethics
Open Access Article
122 - Getting out solutions from moral conflicts on the basis of Mervin her
Open Access Article
123 - Deliberation on adherence of beauty and ethic
Open Access Article
124 - "The possibility of Kant‘s exculpation about the formal ethics on the basis of authentic theodicy in his philosophy of religion "
Open Access Article
125 - "The concept of “Fairness” and elaboration of its use in ethics-oriented organisations "
Open Access Article
126 - Ethical Basis for the Promotion of Citizenship Rights
Open Access Article
127 - "Utilitarianism and spirituality in Islamic economics, relying on divine revelations "
Open Access Article
128 - Imperssionability of Ibn Meskavieh from farabi regarding moderateness and prosperity
Open Access Article
129 - Aristotle, Egoist or Altruist?
Open Access Article
130 - "Philosophical Explanation of the moral responsibility based on John Martin Fischer "
Open Access Article
131 - Narrative Reason For or Against of Aristotle Centrality theory
Open Access Article
132 - "Sources of ethical thought in Persian poems ( relying on Hadigha AL Haghigha ,Makhzan AL Asrar , Bustan and Matlaa AL Anvar) "
Open Access Article
133 - What is modesty: a comparative study on viewpoint's of Muslim and western ethicists
Open Access Article
134 - Considernig view point of Mrs. Roth Rooded about Hejab as a moral duty of prophet’s spouses
Open Access Article
135 - "Kinds of Consciousness Raising of Soldiers from View point of Quran and Tradition "
Open Access Article
136 - Comparative Statement of Loyality In Princiles of Islamic Morality and Secolar Moraliti
Open Access Article
137 - "Conflict between modern moral language and traditional moral language "
Open Access Article
138 - Self-Belief; Challenges And Solutions Through a Religious Viewpoint
Open Access Article
139 - "Abroad of sobriety theorem in thoughtful system of Aristotle "
Open Access Article
140 - "Analysis and Criticism of Moral Doubt is Moderate Outfit "
Open Access Article
141 - "Islamic Neighborhood Style in Dealing with Ill-mannered Neighbors "
Open Access Article
142 - Plato’s Socrates: The Relationship between Self-knowledge and Genuine Life and Death
Open Access Article
143 - "Moral Features of Management from the View Point of Quran "
Open Access Article
144 - "Islamic ethics rules from the perspective of teaching and learning infrastructure Resale Rights Imam Sajjad (AS) "
Open Access Article
145 - Study distinction virtues on moral and intellectual according epistemology of virtue on zagzebski
Open Access Article
146 - Explanation of moral autonomy of man based on religious texts
Open Access Article
147 - "Explanation and Evaluation of MacIntyre’s Aristotelian Criticism of Kant "
Open Access Article
148 - "The Analysis of Types of Marketing from Perspective Axiology (Normative Ethics) "
Open Access Article
149 - "Moral Contingents theory in the Mystic thought context: An analytic study "
Open Access Article
150 - The impact of a mediator variable (ethical climate) on the relationship between ethical leadership with innovation, and ethical behavior of employees of the Melli Bank of Mashhad
Open Access Article
151 - Culture building of the Quran on the prevention of sexual deviation
Open Access Article
152 - "An investigation of the history of Persian words in the quran "
Open Access Article
153 - Re-Considering the System of Administrative Ethics with an Emphasis on Emmanuel Levinas's Other-Oriented Ethics
Open Access Article
154 - Design curriculum of religious and moral education for the junior high school students, based on a hybrid approach of reason and faith from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Open Access Article
155 - cceptance of Civil liability in Environmental Ethics; In Order to Protect the Environment
Open Access Article
156 - Relationship between Dimensions of Patience and Psychological Well-Being
Open Access Article
157 - Check moral doubt the dignity of women at the top of verse 34 of Surah Nisa Disclaimer
Open Access Article
158 - Designing a Bleilian Model for Human Resource Excellence for the Ministry of Education of Iran (with a Behavioral-Ethical Approach)
Mohsen Emamifar naser mirsepasi seyed jamaledin tabibi -
Open Access Article
159 - Restitution in law, jurisprudence and Islamic ethics
mohammad hasan javadi seyed mahdi ghireyshi Behzad Balazadeh -
Open Access Article
160 - Methodology of Extracting and Correct Inference from Islamic teachings to Obtain Design Strategies based on Ethics and Faith (Case Study: Islamic Housing Design)
hamed hayati Ahmad amin pour ramin madani -
Open Access Article
161 - The Role of Islamic Culture and Ethics on the Development of the Personality of the Woman and the Family
Shahrbanoo chatri -
Open Access Article
162 - Jurisprudential thematic diversity: challenges andanswers (analytical study of nature of judges,justice at the scholars ,statement)
mm aa aa aa Mohammadkazem Rahmansetayesh -
Open Access Article
163 - Pathology of Good Governance Components (Accountability and Justice and Fairness) in Markazi Province Jihad Organization
رستم درخشان Reza Najafbagy Karamolah Daneshfard Nazanin Pilevary -
Open Access Article
164 - Presentation¬ the model of the application of Islamic ethics in the field of command of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Seyyed Abdul Rahim Mousavi Hassan Seifi -
Open Access Article
165 - Religious themes in poems Al-tayyeb al-samani
Bijan Karami -
Open Access Article
166 - Investigating the status of woman in Islamic ethics, emphasizing the right of custody and women's employment in the rights of Islam and humanity
Ilnaz Ali Nejad seyed mahdi salehi reza nik khah sarnaghi -
Open Access Article
167 - Explaining and comparative critique of the paradoxes between the teachings of Immanuel Kant and Islam
seyed hashem golestani narges keshti arai -
Open Access Article
168 - Ordinary ethics in the characters in the poems of Khosrow and Shirin
Soheila Lavimi -
Open Access Article
169 - Contents battle of passion in poems of mystical prose works from 5th to 8th Century of Hegira
Nahid mosaffa reza Haidari Nori -
Open Access Article
170 - Contracts of Build, Operate and Transfer in Free Trade of Iran
reza nik khah sarnaghi Mehdi Sheidaei Gourchin Qaleh -
Open Access Article
171 - Guarantee for divorce, legal, moral and legal mediation
mahmud ghayumzadeh Tahereh Pour Nemati Shams Abad -
Open Access Article
172 - The charasteristics of good life in positive psychology and comparison to good life in Islamic sources
seyed morteza hoseini motlagh Rahim Mir,darikvandy -
Open Access Article
173 - The Relationship between Work Ethics and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Selected Personnel of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
Mohammad reza Rabie Mondajin saeid sayyad shir,kosh -
Open Access Article
174 - Specification of the positive human personality indictors from the viewpoint of Nahjul Balagha
hasan rezaee haftador safar nasiriyan -
Open Access Article
175 - Citizens' Behavioral Response to Social Diseases in Conflict with Natural Disasters and City Spread
hasanali faraji sabokbar behzad nadi Mohammad Rezaei Narimisa -
Open Access Article
176 - Students Participation Pattern in Sport for all Based on Theory of Planned Training Behavior
mohammad ali ghareh Naser Zardi -
Open Access Article
177 - Civil liability of a lawyer to a party and his religious and moral rights
Alireza Karimi Larimi seyed hosein safaii -
Open Access Article
178 - Investigating the Mutual Ethical Monitoring of the State and the Nation in the Legal System of Iran and Islam
reza nik khah sarnaghi Mohammad Reza Yazdan Yar -
Open Access Article
179 - Right to a healthy environment in the light of the principles of jurisprudence and ethics
Mohsen Emami Gheshlagh Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi Mohsen Mohebbi Vali Rostami -
Open Access Article
180 - Morality and fair procedure in the light of predictability principle of procedure rules
jalil ghanavati Eslam Mondani -
Open Access Article
181 - United Nations Ethics Mediation Position in the Syria-Yemen Crisis
Sajad Ehrami Ali Tavakkoli Tabasi Asgar Jalalian -
Open Access Article
182 - The structure of the social classes of the Kurdish people and their value system
Shuresh Ak Amir Maleki Mohammad Javad Zahedi Mazandarani Yaghub Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
183 - Pathology of retaining factors of professional staff with organizational ethics approach in National Oil Company
gholamreza amjadi Karamolah Daneshfard Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
Open Access Article
184 - Comparative Comparative Study of Women's Development in Iran's Developed Countries and Its Ethical Consequences in Society
Shahrbanoo chatri -
Open Access Article
185 - Checking the place of Intention in The Moral System of Allameh Tabatabaee and Michael Slote
zahra khazaie Maryam Larijani maryam sadat nabavi meybodi -
Open Access Article
186 - Office Health in the Light of Islamic Supervision and Control, with Comparison to Iranian Office System
Hossein HabibiTabar -
Open Access Article
187 - The study of the relationship between jurisprudence and ethics
Nasrin Sanjabi alireza shakarbaigi -
Open Access Article
188 - Coming on the concept of transitional justice in the field of international law and the role of human and moral dignity in its development
Seyed Najmuddin Qureishi Abbasali Kadkhodaee Mojtaba Babaei Fatemeh Sohanian -
Open Access Article
189 - The Role of Ethics in Implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) by Companies Acquired in Tehran Stock Exchange
Jamal Mohammadi Ali Khozain -
Open Access Article
190 - The study of spiritual intelligence and Islamic ethics in the religious education of high school girl students in Urmia with the role of Islamic teachings and Imam Khomeini's views
Parivash Mohammadi Gheshlagh -
Open Access Article
191 - The preference of inner will for the apparent will in interpreting business contracts based on moral justification
hossein moridifar Reza Sokooty nasimi Naser Masoudi -
Open Access Article
192 - The role of Islamic ethics in desirable governance
Seyyed Zeinol-Abedin Mousavi Hossein Aghaei Jannat Makan NoorMohammad Nowruzi -
Open Access Article
193 - Jurisprudential and ethical analysis of business risk and comparing it to Garar with an emphasis on general rules of revenue generating risk
Open Access Article
194 - Jurisprudential and ethical analysis of business risk and comparing it to Garar with an emphasis on general rules of revenue generating risk
Seyyed Mohammad Sadegh Mousavi Ruhollah Raisi -
Open Access Article
195 - Comparative study of moral damage in Iranian and Egyptian law
Hasan Ajdari Nejad Ali Almasi Iraj Pour Erfan -
Open Access Article
196 - Spatial Analysis of Urban Poverty in Achieving Social Justice (Cady: Neighborhood of the Area of a Tehran Municipal)
karamatollah ziyari -
Open Access Article
197 - Designing an ethical model for human resource development for Public Agencies
Vahid Hajilo Gholamreza Memarzadeh Mahmood Alborzi -
Open Access Article
198 - The civil and moral responsibility of the government in applying financial policies based on the criterion of heavy fault
ghafour Khoini abolhassan mojtahed soleimani amirhossein bahreini -
Open Access Article
199 - Behavioral and ethical prerequisites Managers’ Adherence to Organization Justice Rules: An Investigation into the Central Role of Managerial Motives and Discretion
Nahid Radmanesh Abolhassan Faghihi Karamallah Daneshfard -
Open Access Article
200 - studying of civil and moral responsibility in remote sensing
Abolhassan Mojtahed Soleimani Parviz Ziaeian Firoozabadi Simin Asadzadeh Talei -
Open Access Article
201 - The ethical-psychological foundations of the necessity for states crimes criminalization with emphasis on government models
Maaz Abdolahi Sayed Mahmood MirKhalili -
Open Access Article
202 - Principles and reasons for monitoring people in the constitution Emphasizing the ethical approach
Ali Kazemzadeh -
Open Access Article
203 - Criminological analysis of hypoglycemia and its impact on criminal behavior
صفورا محمد صالحی -
Open Access Article
204 - Security Policy Analysis in the Light of Human Rights
Eslam Mondani Mohammad Ashouri -
Open Access Article
205 - The senses of citizenship obligation at criminal law of iran
Abbas Zera,at Meysam Nematollahi -
Open Access Article
206 - Protecting the rights of the virtual citizen for the rights of citizens
Nafiseh Nekouie Mehr Atefeh Hosseini Fard -
Open Access Article
207 - Ethical and Behavioral Standards: Legal Reading and Their Social Effects
Mohammad Reza Vijeh Azad Rezaei -
Open Access Article
208 - The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder
Parvin Hemmat Afza ferozeh sepehrian Esmaeil Soleymaniyan -
Open Access Article
209 - Study of the implicit and verbal meanings of the verses of social ethics in the Holy Qur'an
tahereh hasoomi fateme nooshinfard Molukosadat Hoseini Beheshti fahimeh babalhavaeji najla hariri -
Open Access Article
210 - Examining the Expediency Function in Education and Ethics in dealing of Children
Ali Isfahanian Semnani seyyed mohammad mosavi bojnordi seyyed mohammad hoseini -
Open Access Article
211 - Ethical Components in the Structure of the Commercial Model between Iran and Russia
Beitollah Akbari Moghadam Alireza Keshavarz Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
212 - Moral support in the performance guarantee of government approvals in Iran and the United
Mohammad Saeed Ansari Nader Mardani -
Open Access Article
213 - Investigating the Ethical System in the Arbitration of Foreign Investment
Habibullah Brahui Moghadam Mohammad Abouata Hamid Masjed Serai -
Open Access Article
214 - Criminal Sanction of infringement of Trade Secrets, in the imamiyya Jurisprudence, Iranian and united states Laws
ali bigzadeh Jafar Kousha seyed bagher mirabbasi -
Open Access Article
215 - The Causes and Consequences of Ethical Delinquency of Children and Adolescents in Telegram and Instagram Social Networksg
mohamad sadeq chavooshi Hadi Karamati Moez -
Open Access Article
216 - renegotiaton in upstream contracts of the oil industry from the perspective of law a
Rahele Seyed Morteza Hosseini Bahram Taghipour Mehdi Abbasi Sarmadi Fatemeh Amiri -
Open Access Article
217 - Concept of Salaam (peace) and Peaceful Cooperation in Mulla Hadi Sabzevari’s View Compared to that of Rumi and Hafez
Mohammad Javad Sami Mohammad Yousef Nayeri -
Open Access Article
218 - Educational Personality Analysis of the Parties to the Disputes between the Governmental Institutions and the competent authority to deal with them
Abo-Mohammad Saniri Ahmad Asadian -
Open Access Article
219 - The analysis of the doctrine of the intellectual property support structure of nanotechnology in the World Trade Organization
Reza Soudi Seyyed Qasim Zamani Abu Mohammad Asgerkhani -
Open Access Article
220 - Presentation of the Effective Factor Principles of the Content of a Printable Advertising Message Based on the Phenomenological Approach
nima shojaei Kambiz heidarzadeh Ahmad Rousta -
Open Access Article
221 - Modeling the properties of food packaging and its impact on the decision making of customer purchasing with a moral approach
Dariush Zarei Hossein Vazifeh Dust Vahid Reza Mirayei -
Open Access Article
222 - The economic rights of coastal countries in different maritime areas In the shadow of moral teachings
maryam shamoni Ahwazi mansour atashene basem mavali zadeh -
Open Access Article
223 - Elite Ethics and Patterns of Elite Explained Based on the Works of Naser Khosrow, Ghashiri and Hojawiri
habiballa gogich habib jadidolaslam ghalehno -
Open Access Article
224 - Comparative Study of Applied Ethics in Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh and Boostan Saadi
Leila Moradi Seyed Mohammad Amiri Mahboubeh Khorasani -
Open Access Article
225 - Investigating the Relationship between Islamic Labor Ethics and the Organizational Commitment of Employees and Its Impact on the Functional Dimensions of Industrial Clusters (Case Study: oil, Gas and Petrochemistry Industrial Clusters in Markazi Province)
reza yadegari Kamaleddin Rahmani Farzin Modarres Khiyabani -
Open Access Article
226 - A moral look at chapteristic sanctions regarding the legal implications of this, Bernslett II Human Rights
حسین اخوان Seyyed Bagher Mirabassi Abo-Mohammad Asgarkhani -
Open Access Article
227 - The Place of Practical Wisdom with Emphasis on Ethics in Avicenna's Philosophy
mohammadreza asadi -
Open Access Article
228 - Impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics
Abdolmahdi Heidari Nejad Ali Almasi -
Open Access Article
229 - The Educational Fields of Resistance Economics Based on the Philosophical Foundations of Imam Khomeini's Science
Mehdi Imani Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
230 - Examining the appropriate pattern of moral hazard in the non-financial terms of oil and gas contracts
Davood Baghaee Babak Vosoughifard Homayoun Habibi -
Open Access Article
231 - constitutionial and jurisprudential buoldings provide a judgs knowledge as a conflict of interest and evidence
مهدی بهره مند ahmadreza tavakoli mohammadhadi mahdavi -
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232 - Laws and duties of legal scholarship and moral mortgage broker
Soheil Zolfaghari Mohammad Abouata Hamid Masjed,soraei -
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233 - Presenting an Elite Maintenance Ethical Model for Iranian Public Agencies
Ayob Sarafraz Gholamreza Memarzadeh Naser Hamidi -
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234 - Ethical and Educational Behavior of Jesus in the works of Kamal al-Din Esfahani
Enayat Sharifi -
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235 - Ethical and Educational Behavior of Jesus in the works of Kamal al-Din Esfahani
ZAHRA SHEYHAKI habib jadidolaslam ghalehno -
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236 - The Importance and Position of Principal Organs of United Nations Organization in the Framework of United Nations Charter
Saeedeh Golkar Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi -
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237 - Ethical implications for the jurisprudential evidence of the opposition to genetic actions
sayyed hassan mortazavi rad Masoud Raee Dehghi reza abbasian hamid reza Nikyar -
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238 - Pathology of the pattern of professional ethic
فرحناز مشایخ fariba karimi badri shahtalebi -
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239 - An Analytical Study of the Valuable Foundations of Islamic Education in the View of Mastery In order to develop a desirable school pattern
Leila Mirzaei Saeed Beheshti mohsen Imani naeini -
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240 - Time and place of evaluation and compensation of the contractor In the Iranian law, the UAE and the International Convention on the International Sale of Goods, looking at the hypothesis of moral relativity
Mansour shakiba Pejman Mohammadi Siavash shoja porian -
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241 - history and development of the students word in the iranian educational ethics system
Ardeshir Asadbighi Mahyar Shariat Panahi Mohammad Reza Kazemi -
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242 - Review the Legal and Moral Challenges Posed by Cinema Freedom
رحیم آل شیخ Bijan Abbasi Ali Akbar Gorgi -
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243 - Legislative ethical review of Iran's international obligations in the fight against terrorism
Alireza Ansari Behzad Razavi Fard javad tahmasebi -
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244 - Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Multicultural Learning Environments Based on Constructivism
iraj hidari Mohammad sifie hosain moradimokles -
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245 - The status of civil rights based on dignity in the doctrine of responsibility to protect in the light of international law
Doagu Hossein Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi -
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246 - The Effect of educational Literature on the Revolutionary and War Literature in the Selected Works of the Child of the Sixties
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247 - Looke of educational moral and teching in Forough Farrokhzad and Nazek Almalaek,s poem
farideh salamatnia saeid kheirkhahbarzaki Abdolreza modarres Zadeh -
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248 - Investigating the Professional Ethics System on Printed Advertising in Consumer and Brand Persuasion
nima shojaei Kambiz heidarzadeh Ahmad Rousta -
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249 - Murder in marriage bed; believing in sheding adulterer’s and adulteress blood with immunity; an explicit instance of family violence
Mohaddseh Sadeghian Lamarasaki Kiomars Kalantari Iraj Golduzian -
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250 - Explaining the Basics and Principles of Ethical Education in Allameh Faiz Kashani's Thoughts
hasan malaki sayyed sadroddin shariaty soghra ebrahimi qavam alireza sadeghi -
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251 - Ethical valuation the conditions of spuses compeer islamic jurisprudence and legal
Saleh Farhadi Ajorlou Abolhasan Mojtahed Soleimani Seyed Ali Khazaei -
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252 - Nostalgia in the literary works of Dr. Ali Shariati
Hashem Goodarzi -
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253 - Explaining Islamic-Iranian Patterns of Education Based on Educational Options by Mulla Sadra
Somayyeh Marhaba Najmeh Vakili Mohsen Imani -
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254 - Equality and Non-Discrimination in Social Security in Islamic State
Ramin Movahedi Seyyed Hossein Malekuti Hashtjin Abulfazl Ranjbari -
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255 - Examining Ethical Ethical Patterns from the Point of View And judicial procedures in the international system
Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Seyyed Baqer Mir Abbasi Mahmoud Bagheri -
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256 - Disciple relationship and meaning in asrar nameh and elahe nameh
Mansour Nik Panah -
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257 - Impact of Taxation of the State on the Combination of the Spiritual Balance of the Official Labor Force of the Qazvin Province
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258 - Impact of Taxation of the State on the Combination of the Spiritual Balance of the Official Labor Force of the Qazvin Province
Abolfazl Yari Beitollah Akbari Moghadam -
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259 - Presenting an Excellence Model for Organizational Culture (Case Study of the refah kargaran Bank)
Majid Abolghasem Iraj Soltani -
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260 - An Investigation of Consequentialism and Ethical Conscientiousness with Emphasis on Kant's Theory in the Society of Iranian Certified Accountants and its Impact on Adherence to Auditors' Professional Behavior
sherly Nematolahi Mohamadreza Vatanparast -
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261 - The Prophet's Orbital Ethics in Ghazvat
Sohrab Eslami hossein khosravi abdollah rahimi -
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262 - Studying the educational environment’s impact on psychological capital changing scale and moral values of students in 8 district of Islamic Azad university (offering a structural model)
Sadina Pira Kamran Mohammadkhani Ali Taghipour Zahir -
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263 - Legal and ethical solutions to deal with corruption in concluding international trade agreements
Bahram Taghipour Mehdi Abbasi Sarmadi Azam Mahdavi Pur Mohammad Taghi Ebrahimi -
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264 - Provide a successful evaluation model of public policy based on professional ethic
Sara Hajatpour karamolah daneshfard Mohammad Taban ghanbar amirnejad -
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265 - The Ethical Challenges of Implementing Arbitration in Iranian Legal System
Ali Rasoolzadeh Farsad Hamidreza Oloumi -
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266 - Moral Status of Animals from the Perspectives of Western and Islamic Thinkers and the Holy Quran with a Focus on Tafsir al-Mizan
Sayyed Hussein Roknoddini -
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267 - The study of religious, ethical and religious beliefs in popular literature in Shahrbabak
fatemeh riahi ata mohammad radmanesh Mahboubeh Khorasani -
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268 - Explaining the Foundations and ethical Principles of Consumer law from the Viewpoint of Islamic Law
rasul shojaei Jalil Ghanavati touraj taqizadeht ahmad habibnezhad -
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269 - The Educational System and Methods in the Islamic View and Its Comparison with the School of Existentialism
Mohammad farajzadeh Mohammad Reza Sarmadi -
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270 - Interaction between Worship and Education with an Emphasis on the Educational and Moral Dimensions of Atonements Mentioned in the Holy Quran
Mohsen Malek Afzali Ardakani -
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271 - Ethical structuring in the cultural prevention of drug addiction
Gholamreza Mahdavi -
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272 - Legal Enforcement of Violations of Ethical Values in the Supreme Audit Court
Fatholla Rahimi mehri haghighi -
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273 - Compensation for Losses Caused by Increase in Prices of Object of Sale and Security against Faults in Tille
Pouria Razi -
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274 - Ethical Conflict of Decisions of the International Court of Justice and the Security Council on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
Saeedeh Golkar Seyed Mohammad Hashemi Ali Zare -
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275 - Kantian ethics from the perspective of martyr Motahari
majid abolghasemzadeh -
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276 - The ethical compatible of a conceptual model for promoting the determinants factors for retention of professional staff Case Study: National Oil Company
gholamreza amjadi Karamallah Daneshfard Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
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277 - Theories of Reformal Moral of Incarceration (Imprisonment) in Juvenile Justice System of Iran and England
Seyedeh Amaneh Bani Hashemi Kohanki Mojtaba Farahbakhsh Ahmad -
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278 - The morphology of Rend and Lashar Epic
habib jadidolaslam ghalehno -
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279 - Takeli on the institution of impunity for punishment according to the aims of moral punishment and considerations
mahmood malmir -
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280 - Explanation and application of the principle of non-discrimination in B-group contracts
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281 - A Comparative Study of the Stare's Ethical Responsibility Caused by Acts of Citizens in Iran and International Law
Doagu Hossein -
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282 - Effective Behavioural and Ethical Factors in Occupation and Decision Making of Financial Managers: An Empirical Application (Case study: Agriculture bank of Iran)
Majid Ashrafi Jamadverdi Gorganli Davaji Ali Khozain -
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283 - Ethical Analysis of a Comparative Study of the Rulings of Traditional and Electronic Contracts in Iran and Antitrust
mahmoud erfani -
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284 - Ethical Attitudes and Corrections in the Punishment of the Liberation of Children and Adolescents And comparing it to the laws of Iran and the United Kingdom
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285 - Explaining the Nasser Khosrow's Thought in the Area of Reason and Reason and Concluding its Educational Teachings
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286 - Policies and Alternatives of the inclusion and increase of enforcement of Human Rights Obligations in New Generation of Bilateral Investment Treaties
Mohsen Abdollahi Nafiseh Shakeri -
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287 - Ethical structure regarding freedom of information and filtering in Iran
vali mirzaei ,amir vatani mehdi abbasi sarmadi -
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288 - Ethical Behavior in Ignorant Fanaticism and Qur'anic Educational Approaches to Coping With It
علی احمد ناصح Reza Najafi -
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289 - Ethical Analysis of Leasing Liquidation in Iranian and French Law
Ahmad -
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290 - Status and role of moral commitment in the transposition of documents in Iranian law
Aziz Varzand -
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291 - Moral effect on Iranian Judicial Authority
ali etemadi bagher shamlo aman olah alimoradi seyed mehdi ahmadi-e - mosavi -
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292 - The Foundations of Hindu Ethics: The Karma Theory
Abolfazl Mahmoodi -
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293 - Exemption from punishment in Islamic jurisprudence between ethical, educational and legal interactions
mahmood malmir -
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294 - Developing a Research ethic Guideline for Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Innovations: A Qualitative Research
Seyed Ali Khaleghinezhad Mohammad Ahad Navidi Fereshteh Zeynivand Nezhad Heidar Toorani -
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295 - Ethical challenges of Application of Nanotechnology Technology in Crime Detection
Reza Soudi seyed ghasem zamani Abo-Mohammad Asgarkhani -
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296 - Identification and validation of ethical principles and professional conduct of lawyers according to client
vali shirpour -
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297 - Possibility of third party entry in international investment dispute for protection of human rights
Mohsen Abdollahi Nafiseh Shakeri -
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298 - The results and influences of the principle of civil verdicts practice stoppage prevention
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299 - The role of legal and ethical mechanisms in the pursuit of the objectives of the P & I Club's marine insurance industry
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300 - The Role of Auditors' Social and Professional Responsibility Insurance on Audit Risk and Audit Quality Using the Delphi Approach and Structural Equations
Ali Khozain -
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301 - Ethical mechanisms to support from ‘suffering in silence’ by taking approach toward reducing black record of crimes against children
Mohammad -
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302 - Sociological Explanation of the Relationship between Religious Capital and Moral Identity (Case Study of Isfahan City)
Sara Madanian Maghsoud Farasatkhah -
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303 - Principles of Deterrence Ethical, Philosophical and Legal Interactions
Golnaz Moradipasand tahmoores bashiriye hosein gholami doon -
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304 - Mystical education in term of Muhaghigh Ardabili Bidguli
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305 - The right and duty in the social security system are the law and moral duty of the state
mohammadreza najafabadipour Abolfazl Jafargholikhani tayebe balvardi -
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306 - The ethical obligations of the parties in oil bunk contracts in Iran
Farzam Ardalan Nejat Ali Almasi mansour atashene -
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307 - Moral and jurisprudential analysis of the punishment of innate apostate
adel asghrpoortoloay rahim vakilzadh -
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308 - Protecting privacy in cyberspace by emphasizing ethical and legal principles
hasan badini qafour khoeini hamzeh karami -
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309 - Moral advice and the need to prioritize public rights in the field of permissions and public mines
Seyed Hashem Bathaie Seyed Ali Akbar Taghavian -
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310 - Explanation and application of the principle of non-discrimination in B-group contracts
Saeid Johar Shokrollah Nikvand -
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311 - Investigating the Position of Women's Rights in the Citizenship Bill with an Emphasis on Women's Political Rights
Arezoo Hosseinieh Ali Hajipour Kanderud -
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312 - Themes of Love and Determinism in the Naturalistic Stories by Sadegh Chubak
Nasrin Hallajan Parvin Dokht Mashhur Mehdi Norouz Mahboubeh Zia Khodadadian -
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313 - An Analysis of the Ethical and Legal Nature of International Rules in International Commercial Arbitration
amin rostami Masoud zamani manochehr tavasoli naeini -
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314 - The place of ethics in property with a focus on the rule of domination and public sovereignty
zahra sarhaddi Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Ghamami Tavakol Habibzadeh -
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315 - Violation of author's rights in cyberspace and its moral implications
Mohammad shakori Nejad Ali Almasi -
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316 - Value–Legal Analysis of Iran’s Governance Approach to Privatization
Aminallah Samadi Abolfazl Jafargholikhani Mohammad Reza Yousefi -
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317 - A Fair Moral Assessment of Arbitration before Judicial Quasi-Judicial Processes in the Iranian Legal System with Emphasis on the Principles of Fair Procedure
jamshid abbas zadeh bizhan abbasi Vali Rostami ebrahim mousa zadeh -
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318 - Protecting the constitution in the case of bureaucratic justice based on personal dignity and prohibition of dignity
Mohammad Javad Rezaeizadeh Vahid Maleki -
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319 - Investigating the Moral Challenges of the Right to Silence of the Accused in the Iranian Legal System
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Masoud Ghasemi Mohammad Javad Jafari -
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320 - Jurisprudential Study of Cucumber and Goodwill in Khamseh Religions and Its Relation to Business Ethics
Abdollah Narooyi Javad panjepoor Siamak Baharlooyi Ahmad Abedini -
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321 - Strengthen lawyer intervention in the preliminary investigation phase From the point of view of subject matter rights and ethical requirements
amir vatani Hossein Aghaei Jannat Makan Mohammad Amin Darvish -
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322 - The ethical obligations of the parties in oil bunk contracts in Iran
zohre azadi Abdullah Nasri -
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323 - An Introduction to the Relations of Government and Society in Contemporary Iran from the Ethics of Financial Sociology
Mahdi Esmaili Majid Tavassoli Rokn abadi -
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324 - The Effect of the organization's ethical care devices on alerting about financial corruption in audit Institutions
Naser Eghbalifar ghodartallah talebnia hamedreza vakili fard -
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325 - Ethical Evaluation and Validation of the Congressional Budget Office's Legal Responsibilities in Defining Annual Budgeting in the United States
Abbas Emami askar jalaliyan hosseen sadeghi -
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326 - A moral and legal look at the nuclear risks to global peace and security
Ali Bagheri Mahmud Abadi Amir Maghami Alireza Arashpour -
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327 - The concept, basis and position of the component of criminal behavior of the material element of crimes against property and property
Hossein Khaninzadeh Ahmad Hajidehabadi Ali Mazidi Sharaf Abadi -
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328 - Adherence to the ethics of the application of information technology in the prevention of the state of the fixed crimes
behroz saki Sayed Mahmood MirKhalili Syed Hosein hashemi -
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329 - Consumer characteristics and behavior and its effect on impulse buying(case study of Mashhad chain stores)
عباس شریفی پور Hadi i Bastam Ali Hosseinzadeh Alireza Pooya -
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330 - Investigating and Evaluation morality of reconsideration of contract in Iranian Law and Shiite Jurisprudence
Pour Andokht Azizi Nejad Ali Almasi tayeb afsharnia -
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331 - A philosophical approach to the intersection of ethics and emotion
Seyyed Ahmad Fazeli Mojtaba Jafari -
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332 - Refreshing the dedication of the legal person To the development of ethical institutions
kian fulladi -
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333 - Examining contract termination in Iranian law by comparative study with the principles of international trade agreements
Masoumeh Ghadirian Mozafar Bashokouh Alireza Lotfi Dudran -
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334 - Status of Upbringing Children in Shi’a Jurisprudence and Education System
Mir Ahmad Mousavi Aqdam Mohammad Jaafari Harandi -
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335 - Judicial and Ethical Guarantee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran
sadegh asadolahi aliakbar gorji azandiriani Bizhan Abbasi saber niavarani -
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336 - Islamic indicators for selecting and recruiting human resources
Hossein Taj Abadi Kaveh Namvar -
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337 - Designing a Model of Managing organizational Polotical Behavior With Ethical Approach in Public Sector Banking industry
farzad ramezani rad Mahmood RezaeiZade Davood Kiakojouri Mehran Mokhtari Bayekolaei -
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338 - Assessing the Impact of Level of Social Responsibility Disclosure on Banks' Financial Performance with Emphasis on Ethics
Mohammad Saadatnia Farhad Dehdar Mohammad Reza Abdoli -
Open Access Article
339 - The Relationship between Religion and Ethic ( with the Philosophical Approach)
Masoumeh saeed -
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340 - Designing a Research Quality Improvement Model in Iranian Higher Education System
Fahimeh Talebi Hossein Ali Jahed nahid sarikhani -
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341 - Investigation of Environmental Ethics and Legal in Oil Contracts
مسعود طاهری Masoud alborzivarki Abdollah Kiai -
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342 - A Fair Moral Assessment of Arbitration before Judicial Quasi-Judicial Processes in the Iranian Legal System with Emphasis on the Principles of Fair Procedure
jamshid abbas zadeh bizhan abbasi Vali Rostami ebrahim mousa zadeh -
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343 - Ethical requirements in Islamic banking
Ali Arabi Mahmoud Bagheri mahmoud erfani -
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344 - The cassock of Meritocracy legal system, over the status of human dignity as a Ethics concept
Saeid Ghabidian ali akbar gorji Bijan Abbasi -
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345 - The Ethical Principles of Judicial Oversight in Criminal Proceedings
Abdulreza Mansouri Dehbid Ahmad Ramezani mansour atashene -
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346 - Investigating the Impact of Ethical Attitudes on Digital Marketing Strategies On the performance of the hotel industry
Ali Nakhchian Ali Hosseinzadeh Hossein momenimahmouei Mohammad Ghasemi Namaghi -
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347 - Transparency Indices and Anti-Corruption Criteria and the Impact of International Assessment and Standards
hamid rahimi saber niyavarani Mohammad jalali Assadollah Yavari -
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348 - Provide a model for entrepreneurial marketing management in the microelectronics industry
Farshad Hekmatzadeh Hossein Vazifeh Dust Farideh Haghshenas Kashani -
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349 - Intrinsic dignity and protection of human personality in the context of the fundamentalization of civil liability rights
امیر نجفی قامت Ebrahim Shoarian Hasan Phashazadeh -
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350 - An Analysis of the Impact and Role of hosn and ghobh Intellect in Ethics
hormoz asadikohbad -
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351 - moral challenge and responsibility of caspian"s oil and gas unilateral usage
Soheil Asgharzadeh Abdul Karim Shahidar -
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352 - Alignment Model Design of Individual-Organizational Interests (The Case Study of Bank Melli Branches in Golestan Province)
Amirhossein Amirkhani Mohammad Reza Tat -
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353 - Consistensy between Contractualism and Rule-Utilitarianism on Parfit and its valuation
Seyed Taghi Agha Miri Seyed Ahmad Fazeli Mohsen Javadi -
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354 - Investigating the esoteric meaning of " Pure and impure" and its role in morality
Mohammad Rasool Ahangaran Fateme Ansari -
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355 - Shame and crime prevention from the perspective of criminology and Islamic ethics
mohamad ali haji deh abadi Abdul Wahab Karimi -
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356 - Iranian social ethics in the Safavid Era from Chardin's point of view
Seyed Javad Abedi Shahri AliAkbar Kajbaf Morteza Dehghan Nezhad Mohammad Ali Chelongar -
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357 - Ethical Assessment of Internal Armed Conflicts with a focus on the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the procedure of the former Yugoslav Court
mohsen amari Mahdi Hatami -
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358 - economic effort and resist economic essientials and investigation of its bases from point of view Quran and traditions with regarded to challenges and distinctions
hamed fathaliyani hamid hosseini ali hossein ehteshami -
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359 - Compatibility of the theory of virtue with religious ethics
Jafar Morvarid Javad Raqavi Zahra Hosseini -
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360 - The explanation of the position of Human dignity right violator behavior in criminalization
Fatemeh Masroor Mohammad Taqi Fakhlae Hossein Naseri Moghaddam -
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361 - Bioethics and its relationship with cryonics from a jurisprudential- legal perspective
Fatemeh Mahdavi -
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362 - nvestigating the Factors Affecting the Development of Internal Marketing in the Banking Industry (Commercial Bank Case Study)
Samira Asadi Mohammad Mahdi Mozafari Babak Haji Karimi Mahmood Noraei -
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363 - Educational study of the issue of the strength of men over women in the light of the moral teachings of the Holy Quran
Reihaneh Emamjomeh Jafar nekoonam Mehrdad Abbasi -
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364 - Components of child sexual education from the perspective of educational jurisprudence
Shirin Mohammadi Panah Maryam Aghaie Bajestani Reza Kohsari -
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365 - An analysis on the riddle of the number seventy-five moral propositions in the hadith of wisdom and ignorance
hadi vahdani far Mohammad Davoodi -
Open Access Article
366 - عدالت اجتماعی، حبس، نیمه¬آزادی، مجازات، سیاست کیفری، عدالت قراردادی
nafise jalali iraj goldozian hosein gholami doon -
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367 - Study of selected macroeconomic variables from the perspective of moral hazard and financial constraints on return and capital structure in listed companies
Masoumeh Ebrahimi hosein panahian Hassan Ghodrati mohsen rasolian -
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368 - Investigating the Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty with a Focus on Brand Personality (Case Study: Bank Mellat Isfahan Branches)
Hamid Reza Ahghaghi Mohammad Ghasemi Namaghi Ali Hosseinzadeh -
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369 - Explaining the Different Ethical Approaches to the Antecedents and Consequences of Women's Conspicuous Buying
Ali Afshari Hamid Reza Saeidnia Hussein Vazifehdoost -
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370 - The place of science, practice and faith in Rumi's Masnavi Community Verified icon
zahra babapour mohammad reza sarfi enayatollah sharifpour -
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371 - Application of Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi's views on the origin of obligation and moral value
seyed morteza hoseini motlagh Mehdi Imani Moghaddam -
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372 - Pathology of uplifting moral education in the first grade of high school and providing a favorable model
Mahnar Asadi Khanouki Ali mohebbi Najmeh Vakili -
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373 - An analysis of the continuity of elements of ancient political writing in the Qajar
soudabeh dastitork soheyla torabifarsani naser jadidi -
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374 - Studying the interaction methods of the central bank supervision department with the audit and internal inspection units of banks and evaluating its impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of banking supervision
seyed mojtaba hasani shahi sara Seyed Mohammad Reza Raiszadeh Ali Fallah -
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375 - Sustainable development of the neighborhood in the direction of social happiness and public happiness (Analysis of principles, dimensions and indicators)
Shiva Shokri Raheleh Rostami Fatemeh Mozaffari -
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376 - The dialectic of justice and public order And the synthesis of citizenship rights
Hamid Talebzadeh -
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377 - Optimal model of governance in the light of an independent judiciary
Hossein Abdi Vali Rostami -
Open Access Article
378 - Presenting of a Pattern of environmental citizenship behavior with an emphasis on moral sentiment in Manufacturing Industries of Mazandaran province
Javad Javad Amoozad Khalili Samereh Shojaei Mohammad Bagher Gorji -
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379 - Social justice and its role in social security from the perspective of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions
Mohsen Ghafoury pour seed hamid shamerizi Kamal Khajehpour -
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380 - Comparative comparison of Ibn Khaldun's theory of nervousness, Weber's charisma and Pareto elites in the rise and fall of the Qajar dynasty
Qasem Gol Hosseini Monireh Kazemi Rashed Shahrzad sasanpur Davood Ebrahimpour -
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381 - Components of patience and forbearance from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the narrations of the Infallibles (PBUH)
Zeinab Maleki Babhoveizi mohammadreza abooei azam atemadifard -
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382 - The effect of using accounting information systems on the productivity of manufacturing firms with a professional ethics approach under study (car companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange)
alireza hirad Mahdi Faghani Ahmad pifeh ali payan -
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383 - Happiness and welfare in Jami's Poems
Ali Alborz Maryam jafari Mohsen poormokhtar -
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384 - Ethical teachings in the poetry of the Samanid era
fariba arasteh Mohammad Saleh Amiri Maryam jafari -
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385 - The place of ethics in non-proliferation
goudarz beyrami Atefeh Amininia soudeh shamlou -
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386 - Presenting of a Pattern of environmental citizenship behavior with an emphasis on moral sentiment in Manufacturing Industries of Mazandaran province
Javad Javad Amoozad Khalili Samereh Shojaei Mohammad Bagher Gorji -
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387 - The effect of moral fields on knowledge from the perspective of the Qur'an Emphasizing Allameh Tabatabai's point of view
Abouzar Rajabi Ali Karbalaie Pazouki -
Open Access Article
388 - Ethical examples of socializing the famous in the relationship between spouses and their role in strengthening the family from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Enayat sharifi -
Open Access Article
389 - Patterns and methods of moral development in childhood from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah
Jafar Shahbazi Seyed Nader Mohammadzadeh Gholam Hossein Entesar Foumani -
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390 - scope persons and social moral function of the womb
Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh Nikfarjam Fariba Pahlevani Abbas Samavati -
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391 - Reflection on Folk Beliefs in Novels of Kelidar, Missing Soluch, and Past Days of Old People by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
Rajabali Salahi ali tasnimi Mahyar Alavi moghaddam Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam -
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392 - An Introduction to the Empowerment of the Judiciary in Citizen Participation in the Light of the Revival of Public Rights
Hossein Abdi Vali Rostami -
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393 - The place of the principle of justice in the system of social ethics in the Holy Quran and hadiths
sayyed morteza Ghazavi sayyedeh fatemeh hoseini mirsafi Mohammad mehdi Taghdisi -
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394 - A look at the social dimensions and anomalies caused by prostitution in the Iranian penal system
Hosein Ghanbari Ahmad Ramezani Ahmad Falahi Abolfazl Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
395 - The key components of Islamic branding for entry in to international markets in small and medium business enterprises food indust
Seyedeh Fattaneh Moghimi seyyed mahmoud shabgoo monsef kambiz shahroodi narges delafrooz -
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396 - Social Trust in Islam’s Social System
hassan khairi -
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397 - nvestigating the Relationship between Religious Beliefs and the Use of Social Networks on Commitment to Islamic Hijab (Case Study: Students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University)
Ali Ahmadpour ALI rezaei sharif -
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398 - Effective moral education characteristics in children's digital storytelling
Fatemeh Etemadi fahimeh babalhavaeji seyd ali Hosseini almadani -
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399 - Civil liability and moral responsibility of governments in proportion to the exercise of their executive role
Open Access Article
400 - The Penalty of Apostates and the Quranic Verse Forbidding Compulsion in Islam (Conflict and Conformity)
Faranak Pousti Ahmad Bagheri -
Open Access Article
401 - Designing a model for improving human resource productivity with an ethical approach in the context of a resistance economy
iman hesami taklo Sirous Tadbiri maryam majidi alireza afsharnejhad -
Open Access Article
402 - Obstacles to the principle of the rule of will and the place of good morals in banking contracts
Ali Dizaji Behshid Arfania ali reza mazloom rahni -
Open Access Article
403 - Social factors affecting personality development from Rumi's point of view in Masnavi
Samad Abbaszadeh Gorjan Mohammad Farahmand Ebrahim Danesh Faramarz Jalalat -
Open Access Article
404 - Assumptions of professional ethics of university faculty members with emphasis on Islamic sources
AbdOlhamid Farzaneh -
Open Access Article
405 - Explaining the Relationship between Corruption and Tax Policy Implementation and the Role of Organizational Commitment (Yazd General Administration of Taxation)
Maryam Ali Omrani Alireza Manzari Tavakoli Sanjar Salajegheh -
Open Access Article
406 - Legal-Ethical Critique of the Stockholm School Theory in the Treatment of COVID-19 pandemic
Naser Ghasemi amir abbas rokni -
Open Access Article
407 - Examining the ethical principles of international commercial arbitrators
Samira Mohammadi Nejad Ali Gharibeh Hasan Pashazadeh -
Open Access Article
408 - Designing a model for creating a company's value set, taking into account the customer's ethical value and social ethical value
Keyvan Mohbed Hashem NikouMaram Karim Hamdi -
Open Access Article
409 - Ethical components of providing a model to motivate and increase the culture of buying domestic products (Case Study: Electrical Appliances)
Saloumeh Nouri seyed mahdi moafi madani Yadollah khodaverdi -
Open Access Article
410 - Designing a Model of Green Human Resource Management Excellence in Electric Power Distribution Companies of the North of Iran
mohsen yahyapoor mojtaba tabari asadollah mehrara mohammadreza baghrzadeh ezzatollah baloui jamkhaneh -
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411 - An explanation of validation in Islamic thought: ethical jurisprudence
tahereh pournemati shams abad Maryam shahrivar -
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412 - Analysis of the Principles of Islamic Education in the Mystical Thoughts of Imam Khomeini(RA)
jamshid Sadri hatef siahkoohian Seyed Hojjat Mahdavi Saeedi Ahya Dakmaei -
Open Access Article
413 - Ethical Approaches in Determining Blood Money and Arsh based on Medical Priorities
Narges Dehghani Mohammad Rasoul Ahangaran Maryam Naghdi Dorobati Karim Salehi -
Open Access Article
414 - riticism of feminist arguments on "freedom of abortion due to moral rights of mother and fetus" based on fundamental methodology in moral philosophy
Narges Roodgar zeinab kabiri -
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415 - Functions of temporary marriage in the moral health of society
jahanbakh qadiri -
Open Access Article
416 - Cultural and social interaction and confrontation between Muslims and Christians in Andalusia
Masood Farshidnia zahra hamedi Mojtaba Khalife -
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417 - Analysis of the virtues and capabilities of Lili in the system of Lili and Majnoon Nizami from the point of view of positive psychology
Narges Keshavarzi kobra nodehi -
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418 - A Study of Behavioral Duality and Social Discrimination of the Soviet Government in the Asylum Seek of the Democratic Sect in 1325
ghader kiyani -
Open Access Article
419 - Examining the moral requirements and observing the citizen's rights of the accused during the arrest phase
Abbas Gohari Abbas Tadayon Abdoljabar Zar Goshi Nasab -
Open Access Article
420 - Analysis of the jurisprudential (Fiqh) foundations of the six areas of education and training in the document of the fundamental transformation of education
Hasan Mohammadpoor Mohsen Malek Afzali Ardakani Ali hemat banari -
Open Access Article
421 - Equality in the opinions and opinions of the Guardian Council with emphasis on human dignity
mehdi meftahi sayed mohammad sadegh Ahmadi ghodrat allah noroozi baghkmeh -
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422 - Psychological research of the spiritual education of the Islamic way of life
seed mohamad noorollahi Mohammad Ali Rezaei Isfahani mahmud ghayumzadeh -
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423 - Investigating the moral and social effects of divorce in popular jurisprudence
abdolhamid navardi aboalghasem asi moznab Ahmad sadeghian -
Open Access Article
424 - Presenting a model for managing organizational trust in order to improve productivity and social accountability (Study case: Foundation of the Weakened of the Islamic Revolution)
Mohammad Reza Haji anzehaei Mehdi Irannejad Parizi Reza Najafbagy -
Open Access Article
425 - Explaining the moral and legal realm of financial rights and property of couples after divorce in Iranian and French law
Abolhasan Pahlevani Saleh Yamerli ali ajbar esmaeile -
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426 - Investigating the causes and motives of satire in Khaghani and Anvari poetry
hajar jowkar Maryam parhizgari Seyed Jafar Hamidi -
Open Access Article
427 - Bad promise combined with man's ingratitude towards God in the Holy Quran
ozra eshraghjahromi alireza mokhtari Safdar Shaker -
Open Access Article
428 - Examining the moral and intellectual characteristics of the perfect man in the works of certain Attar
Shahrokh Hekmat -
Open Access Article
429 - Role of custom and ethics in the financial rights of couples and its effect on crime prevention
Leila Radpasand Farhad Parvin -
Open Access Article
430 - Analytical and comparative research on types of freedom from the perspective of Islam and the West
mohammad sharifani Mohammad marefat -
Open Access Article
431 - Character, performance and influence of Saad ebn ebadeh Khazareji worship on Saqifa stream
Ramin Alizadeh Mahdi Goljan mahdi ansari -
Open Access Article
432 - Humanism in Nasim Marashi's "autumn novel is the last season of the year"
Javan Mohammad Ali َAbdollah toloeiazar -
Open Access Article
433 - Ethics and Art in Postmodernism from Lyotard’s point of view
Mahdi Mohammadi KiakalaAmlashi Mohammad reza Sharifzadeh hossein ardalani Mohammad Aref -
Open Access Article
434 - Transcendental Person according to Mawlana and perfection psychologists (with emphasis on the first volume of Masnavi)
Jalil Masoudi Fard -
Open Access Article
435 - Examining the legal foundations of eliminating discrimination and violence against women with a view to the commitments of the Afghan government
mojgan moshfeghi peyman bolori salman valizadeh -
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436 - Different aspects of anti-habituation and its various manifestations in Ibn Arabi's mystical poems
shahla norozierad Naser Hosseini ardashir sadraldini -
Open Access Article
437 - Functions of practical reason and explaining the principles of moral practice from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai
Nasibeh Nikpoor Narges Keshti Arai Seyed Hossein vaezi -
Open Access Article
438 - Criminal motive, interaction between ethics and criminal law
Mojtaba Malek Afzali Ardakani mohamadali mahdavi sabet Firouz Mahmudi Janki -
Open Access Article
439 - The components of humility and tolerance from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the innocents (peace be upon them)
Zeinab Maleki Babhoveizi mohammadreza abooei azam atemadifard -
Open Access Article
440 - What are the characteristics of abortion and its types
Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh Nik Farjam Fariba Pahlevani Abbas Samavati -
Open Access Article
441 - Awe of God: The Criterion of Ethical Science, Scientist, and University
Parsa Arbab -
Open Access Article
442 - Providing a model for the production of digital stories by children and the role of its production on children's social skills and emotional intelligence (Case study: Smart schools in Kerman province)
Fatemeh Etemadi fahimeh babalhavaeji seyd ali Hosseini almadani -
Open Access Article
443 - Criticize to Kazantzakis based on Love, freedom and justice in opposite of Christian
Mohammad Hasan Barzegar arastoo mirani mohammadali mir -
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444 - Principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of Teaching and learning
esa bahrami Abbas Ali Heydari mahmud ghayumzadeh -
Open Access Article
445 - Presenting a model of structural equations, The effect of brand sensory experience on brand equity with emphasis on the mediating role of customer cognitive, emotional and behavioral attachment in cosmetic products
Abolghasem Gholamreza Tehrani Houshang Asadollah Serajoddin Mohebbi Shahriar Azizi -
Open Access Article
446 - A conceptual and exemplary study of endurance in the Qur'an and Sunnah with emphasis on resistance economics
Seyed MohammadAli Hosseini Far Jafar Taban Mohsen Taheri -
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447 - Behavior pattern of traders in the capital market
Reza Khezri Asgar Pakmaram Rasool Abdi Nader Rezaie -
Open Access Article
448 - An Analytical Study of the Theory of Violence in Carl Schmidt's Political Theory
Samad Zahiri Sattar Zanganeh Tabar reza nasiri hamed -
Open Access Article
449 - The duty of the people in front of the government from the perspective of Hazrat Yusuf and Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
Bibi Saeideh Shamrizi seed hamid shamerizi Shahrbanou Mahini -
Open Access Article
450 - The effect of positive self-talk on the self-efficacy of female elementary school students
Shahrzad Kamal Khani Fatemeh Nasseri Mohammad Armand -
Open Access Article
451 - Investigating the place of the theory of harmony in existence in ethical topics
Mohammad Ali Mobini -
Open Access Article
452 - Designing an organizational ethics evaluation model in small and medium industries
ali mehdizadehashrafi Majid Jahangir Fard Touraj Mojibi Nasrin Jamali Monfared -
Open Access Article
453 - Investigating how literature influences the moral beliefs of children and teenagers
Nazfar Nazem Hossein Aghajani Mersa Ali Baseri -
Open Access Article
454 - Explaining the moral value view of complementary and secondary punishments
Zakiye Ebrahimzadeh Ahmad Bagheri Esmaiel Rahimi Nejad -
Open Access Article
455 - Analysis of Ethical Principles of Disciplinary and Educational Responses to Juvenile Delinquency from the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law
roh allah ebrahimi mohamad ali haji deh abadi ALIREZA HOSSINI -
Open Access Article
456 - Urban representations in contemporary stories with a focus on war stories
Maryam Akhbari Arash Moshfeghi hosein dadashi -
Open Access Article
457 - The effect of behavioral disorder on the realization of Ehsan
Mohammad mirkhalili ahmad mirkhalili Alireza Entezari -
Open Access Article
458 - The place of good morality in the basis of arbitration in Iranian and European law
Mohammad amirnejat Seyyed Ebrahim Hosseini mahmud ghayumzadeh -
Open Access Article
459 - Examining the basics of warning and evangelism in Khutba Ghara
mohammad hadi aminnaji Zahra Amini Aramaki -
Open Access Article
460 - A comparative study of preventive approaches to giving false testimony from the perspective of ethics, Imami jurisprudence and Iranian and Egyptian law
Seyyed Mohammad Ebrahimi Mohammad Rasul Ahangaran Seyyed Abolghasem Naghibi -
Open Access Article
461 - Investigating the moral and social approach of the semi-liberty system according to the law on reducing the punishment of imprisonment
nafise jalali iraj goldozian sayyed reza Mosavi -
Open Access Article
462 - The effects of the emergence of security-oriented criminalization in crimes against security in Iranian criminal law
Hossein Rezaei Todeshki Seyyed Mahmoud Majidi mohammad javad baghi zadeh -
Open Access Article
463 - The role of moral principles in climate obligations from the perspective of international law
Reza Maleki Masoud Raee Dehghi -
Open Access Article
464 - The origin of hope and its role in the excellence of human life inside and outside in the words of Amirul Momineen
amirabas madavifard reza zamani Masoumeh Azizi Khadem -
Open Access Article
465 - Investigating the impact of internet and satellite on the cultural and moral identity of students (case study: Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Noor Alibek Village)
Azam Nikokar Mozhgan Farzami Sepehr -
Open Access Article
466 - Government’s role in human’s security and its impact on people’s happiness
Behnaz Yousefi Hossein Rahmatollahi -
Open Access Article
467 - The position of human dignity in criminal jurisprudence and its comparison with Iranian criminal law
Ali Amirmohammadi mahmud ghayumzadeh Nader Mokhtari Afrakti -
Open Access Article
468 - Social commitment in civic responsibility despite luxury goods
Seifollah Golijani Moghaddaam Asadollah Lotfi mahmud ghayumzadeh -
Open Access Article
469 - Jewish behavioral characteristics and field performance in contemporary Arab stories (a Case Study Dom Lefatier Sahion Hare Al-yahod and Rabi Har)
Ebrahim Barzegar ardashir sadraldini mostafa yegani -
Open Access Article
470 - Examining the corresponding moral values on the observance of the rights of the victim and the criminal in Iran's criminal law
Amir Feizi Ghobad Kazemi Masoud Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
471 - Investigating and analyzing the role of anthropology in the foundation of modern Islamic culture and civilization
Rohollah Pour Asiab Dezej Seyyed Hossein Vaezi mohammad reza shamshiri -
Open Access Article
472 - Critique of Montgomery Watt's theoretical foundations and assumptions about the revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet (PBUH)
fatemeh javadiyan asl Abdorreza Farhadian Fatemeh Khalili -
Open Access Article
473 - Cultural behavioral characteristics and social developments of Makarians from the Naseri period to the end of the first Pahlavi period
Ahmad choopanialton Gholamhossein Zargarinejad Reza Shabani Samaghabadi -
Open Access Article
474 - Investigating the extent of utilization of the educational and moral orientations of Nahj al-Balagha in the field of devotional and moral education of the fundamental transformation document
Mohammad Sadeghzadeh Farhad Edrisi Mohammad hosein Saeini Hossein Moradi Zanjani -
Open Access Article
475 - Feasibility of forced labor of prisoners in Islamic law
Alireza Abbasi Baitullah Devsalar Parviz Zakaian -
Open Access Article
476 - A Review of Integrative and Non-Integrative Approaches to Social and Religious Developments in Contemporary Iranian History with an Emphasis on Moral and Psychological Approaches
Mohsen Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
477 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh -
Open Access Article
478 - Explanation and criticism of the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Win Dyer's thought based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran
Alireza mahmmudnia siyavosh mozaffari susan keshavarz Ramazan Barkhordari -
Open Access Article
479 - Applications of moral restrictions in Kurdish and Persian literature
amir msto muhammed abdolnaser nazariani mohammad amir obaydinia -
Open Access Article
480 - Depicting Tunisia's socio-cultural atmosphere in the four novels (Aisha, Adel, Ali, Nasser) by Al-Bashir bin Salameh
Shahin Nasiri mostafa yegani ardashir sadraldini -
Open Access Article
481 - Human dignity and weapons of mass destruction
Mohosen Reza Mosaddegh,khah Morteza Bayat Hasan Soleimani -
Open Access Article
482 - Moral autonomy in the Holy Qur'an
mohsen bagheri seyed ahmad fazeli -
Open Access Article
483 - work ethic in human resources :Family, religiosity and negating the modernization
Sedigheh Bahiraie akbar etebarian -
Open Access Article
484 - Semantic evolution and social function of the word confidence in the literary culture of the Qur'an
najmeh Rahnama falavarjani Mohammadreza Hajiesmaili mehdi motia -
Open Access Article
485 - The moral legitimacy of the theoretical and practical conflict between non-ruling jurists and ruling jurists based on its consequences
Abdol Rahim Zare alireza asgari Ahmadreza Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
486 - The moral principles of the Prophet (PBUH) in wars based on the history of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Qur'an
mahdi abedi Mohamadreza Hosseni Mohammad taher yaghoub -
Open Access Article
487 - The position of ethics in jurisprudential issues: a case study of Khums traditions
somayeh kalhor mahdi mehrizitoroghi mojgan sarshar -
Open Access Article
488 - The Semantic Emergence of "Exploratory-Intuitive Architecture" from the Analysis of the Ideas and Opinions of Iran's Contemporary Famous Architects in Cultural Works, based on the Reflection of Environmental Aesthetics in the Genius Loci
Rezvaneh Mansouri Farah Habib Azadeh Shahcheraghi -
Open Access Article
489 - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic of the semantic field of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths
azam moazeni Sayyed Hussein Roknoddini -
Open Access Article
490 - The place of the right to entertainment in the system of human moral rights from the point of view of Islam
seyyedabdollah Mirkhandan -
Open Access Article
491 - Investigating weapons of mass destruction with a focus on moral values in jurisprudence and international law
Mohsen Reza Mosaddegh khah Morteza Barati Hasan Soleimani -
Open Access Article
492 - Providing a model of accounting strategies based on environmental ethics
mostafa Aghabeigi nasrollahabadi Mansoor Garkaz alireza matoufi Ali Khozein -
Open Access Article
493 - The basics of justice in theoretical and practical wisdom based on Islamic sources
Amir Hosain Imani Moghaddam Mahdi Imani Moghaddam abbas khademian -
Open Access Article
494 - The perfect movement of beings from Attar's point of view in Asrarnameh
Afsaneh Agha Hassani Mahabadi reza fahimi Manijeh Fallahi -
Open Access Article
495 - Pleasure and ethics
alireza alebouyeh ali reza SHeikh -
Open Access Article
496 - The Scope and basics of humility in the New Testament
Fatemeh hajiakbari Hossein Heydari -
Open Access Article
497 - Investigating the concept of social justice in Sayyid Qutb's thought (a case study of Tafsir FiZhalal Al- Qur'an)
shahla darabpour reza shabani samghabadi javad heravi -
Open Access Article
498 - Cause and effect relationship between ethics and environmental protection in Buddhism
Alireza Soleymanzadeh -
Open Access Article
499 - he moral role of the Holy Quran in the health of the human body
Enayat Sharifi -
Open Access Article
500 - Investigating the approach and ethical role of the media in preventing emotionalism in determining punishment
Javadollah Ghadami Shahrdad Darabi Sayed Mahmood MirKhalili -
Open Access Article
501 - Basics, principles and goals of sexual education in Islam and the West
Najibekhatun Karmi -
Open Access Article
502 - Functions of the principle of dignity in criminal policies in the light of religious teachings
mohammad mirzaei Fatemeh Azimi -
Open Access Article
503 - Ragheb Esfahani's educational views in the book of Qayyim (Zariah Eli Makarem al-Sharia - an inductive educational study)
Omid Mustafa Abdullah Aziz Javanpour Heravi Mohammad Ali Rabbipour -
Open Access Article
504 - Pathology of the Ethical Approach in Social Media Marketing Activities in the University (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University)
Fatemeh Abolhasani targhi Seyed Hassan Hataminasab Mohammad Soltanifar -
Open Access Article
505 - حمایت از کرامت و حقوق زنان و کودکان در مخاصمات مسلحانه از منظر حقوق بین الملل
Ahmad Mohtasham Fakhroddin Soltani alireza rezaei -
Open Access Article
506 - Ethical Misconduct with a Focus on Covert Violence Against Women in the Novel "The Terrible Tehran" by Moshfeq Kazemi
Elham Ahmadi kobra nodehi arastoo mirani -
Open Access Article
507 - apartheid; An example of violation of the rule of prohibition of discrimination. Focusing on moral values and looking at the Palestinian issue
Fatemeh Beigi Mirazizi Sattar Azizi Farid Azad Bakht Mohammad Javad Jafari -
Open Access Article
508 - A survey of ethical attitudes towards collaborative criminal justice
Mohammad Jamadi Ali Janipour Karam Janipour Dariush Babaie -
Open Access Article
509 - Presenting a model for changing the structure of audit institutions with an approach to professional ethics
Hasan Saberi Mansoor Garkaz Ali Khozein alireza matoufi -
Open Access Article
510 - Islamic world and Iranian customs and celebrations
Hossein salehi Masomeh Gharadaghi ahad ebadi Hossein Raissadat -
Open Access Article
511 - A comparative study of the plague of greed and greed in educational Masnavas with an approach to the Tragedy of Attar and Maulana's spiritual Masnava
Mojtaba Arefkhani farzad abasi mahbobehe Zia Khodadadian -
Open Access Article
512 - Human nature and divine nature and the distinction between men and women in the Qur'anic culture
Esmat Abdullahi Fatime khalili Tayyaba arefnia -
Open Access Article
513 - Manifestations of post-modernism in the novel "Dell Folad" written by Moniro Ravanipour
Hasan Gholami behrouz romiani mostafa salari -
Open Access Article
514 - An approach to the religious identity components of a Muslim woman with additional emphasis on Fatemi (S)
leila vatankhah kashi Mohammad Mahdi Alimardi Hossein Abdulmohammadi Mehrab Sadegh Nia -
Open Access Article
515 - Examining urban ethics and behavior in Ahmad Mahmoud's fictional works
مریم اخباری آرش مشفقی Hossein Dadashi -
Open Access Article
516 - Social tolerance to deal with civil insurgency
mostafa ghayoomzadeh ahmad morad khani Alireza Asgari -
Open Access Article
517 - Cultivating individual and social virtues in comparison of Torah and Quran
Mohammad Ali haghdel sayed abbasinya Saied GHolampour Hadi Razaghi Harikandei -
Open Access Article
518 - The effects of collective piety on self-improvement in Islamic society
ebrahim ebrahimsalim siamak jafarzadeh reza nik khah -
Open Access Article
519 - Investigating the moderating effect of managers' ethical characteristics on the relationship between debt volume and profit quality
seyyed javad mirabbasi Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
520 - A look at the category of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the poetry of Qaisar Aminpour
shahrbano hoseinzadeh ahmad reza keikhay farzane mostafa salari -
Open Access Article
521 - Philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education
Seyed Nuraddin Hosseini Ali Asghar mashinchi Mokhtar ranjbar -
Open Access Article
522 - The influence of Iranian culture in the establishment of Christianity in Armenia with considerations about some ritual terms of the Armenian Church
Ali Rahmani Nadereh Nafisi Soleiman Aminzadeh Farzad Mafi -
Open Access Article
523 - The influence of Iranian culture in the establishment of Christianity in Armenia with considerations about some ritual terms of the Armenian Church
Sahar Sadeghimehr hamed hayati -
Open Access Article
524 - Application of moral values in kindergarten architecture based on Islamic teachings
abdulrazzagh abdolhamidahmad reza nik khah siamak jafarzadeh -
Open Access Article
525 - Ethic crimes Related to unauthorized activities related to Currency Password
Mohammad Esmaeil Abdollahi Sara Hosseinpour Chaijani -
Open Access Article
526 - Comparative study of seven mystical stages in the works of Maulavi and Attar
Leila Farzaneh Hossein-Qoli Sayyadi Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Gheibi -
Open Access Article
527 - انعکاس اوضاع اجتماعی فرهنگی جامعه در اشعار رمانتیسم انسی الحاج و هوشنگ ابتهاج
salim ghaderi naser hosini Ardeshir Sadroddini -
Open Access Article
528 - The effectiveness of the moral behavior of Iranians from the presence of Imam Reza (AS) in Iran
Omran Gasemi kolashlu Davoud Esfahanian mahbub mahdavian Masomeh Gharadaghi -
Open Access Article
529 - Conceptual Clothing Therapy According to Ethical Principles of Alain De Botton, John Armstrong Views
maryam mounesi sorkheh zahra sheikhi -
Open Access Article
530 - Comparison of the features of romanticism in Nima and Forough Farrokhzad poetry
Manijheh Hamrah BEHROZ ROMIANI mostafa salari -
Open Access Article
531 - Analysis of the character of Khaled, the protagonist of the novel Neighbours, the Story of a City and the Burnt Earth by Ahmad Mahmoud from the sociological perspective of George Lukács
Fariborz Jafari Ahmadi Faramarz Shirinbayan Mohammad Saleh Amiri -
Open Access Article
532 - The effect of ethical characteristics of managers on the relationship between conservatism and cost of equity
Saied AhmadVand Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
533 - The Use of Rhetoric to Enhance the Impact of Ethical Concepts in the Holy Quran
MohammadAslam Raeisi Bashir ZolAli mohammad fatehi -
Open Access Article
534 - Social Frequencies of Arbitrability in Iranian Law and Its Comparison with German, English, and French Legal Regulations
mohammad amirnejat Sayed ebrahim hosseni mahmud ghayumzadeh -
Open Access Article
535 - The ethical approach to preaching good preaching in propaganda based on verse 125 of Surah An-Nahl
Ali Fallah azam Etemadi fard abolghasem asei mozneb -
Open Access Article
536 - The transcendental wisdom in the mirror of al-Shawahed al-Rubabiyyah
Halit Bagdu seyed vahid kashani mohamad Madani -
Open Access Article
537 - Meaning therapy of religious rites in Musmavi based on Frankel's theory
Majid Barari bazarmahaleh Aliakbar Bagheri Khalili masoud Rouhani Siavash Haghjoo -
Open Access Article
538 - Providing an Entrepreneur school model with a meta synthesis approach
neda Torabpoor Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari jafar Rahmani -
Open Access Article
539 - The Role of Good Deeds and Its Significance in Nahj al-balagha
Mehrnaz Dadkhah Taiebeh Akbarirad Mohammad Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
540 - Social consequences and normative effects of land reforms in Iran
sara Khan Ramaki Ali Sabaghian -
Open Access Article
541 - Evaluation of the moral foundations of obligation violating and Penalty Clause in Iranian law and its comparison with British law
Reza Zohrevand Hamid Reza Ali Karami Vahid Ghasemi Ahd -
Open Access Article
542 - Political and cultural barriers to the development of tourism between Iran and Central Asia
Mehran Sarmadian Davod Kiani Alireza Amini -
Open Access Article
543 - The Effect of Execution Time on Commitment in Iranian Law and International Documents with Emphasis on Ethics and Social Interests
Siavash Sherbat Navan ebadolah rostami chelkasari seyyed mohmmad Asedinejad -
Open Access Article
544 - Providing solutions to prevent the occurrence of moral hazards due to the distortion of financial statements during the implementation of IFRS in the banking system of Iran
hamed Alizadehrahvar Azita Jahanshad -
Open Access Article
545 - The practical way of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in explaining the concept and examples of moral verses
Mohammad Reza Qala Shahi Hossein Moradi Zanjani Mohammad Hossein Saeini -
Open Access Article
546 - Review and analysis of intellectual education from the point of view of Maulana and John Dewey (with emphasis on the conceptual model)
Reihaneh Kamaneh Alireza Yousefi narges keshtiaray -
Open Access Article
547 - The solutions of the principle of modat in the management of the house of Baroikord to deal with soft war (Based on the lifestyle of Imam Ali (peace be upon her) and Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon them))
Rashid Moradi Saki Azam EtemadiFard abolghasem AsiMozneb -
Open Access Article
548 - The monotheism of love and monotheistic love in the Islamic lifestyle
Seyyed Abolhassan Mousavi Ghadamghahi mojgan sarshar Seyyed Mohammad ayazi -
Open Access Article
549 - Qualitative educational implications of Nahj al-Balagha on indicators of work and effective activity in Islamic lifestyle
Narges Mirzadeh Nader Mirzadeh Kuhshahi -
Open Access Article
550 - The Reengineering of the Process of OfficialJ judicial Experts' Investigations in the Field of Accounting and Auditing
hosseyn salehi seyedyusef ahadiserkani mohammadjavad sheykh -
Open Access Article
551 - The Place of Housing Architecture in Islamic and Modern Lifestyle
Reza Ghadrdan Gharamaleki Farzin HaghParast parisa hashempour -
Open Access Article
552 - Examining the contexts of social abnormality and heterogeneity with good and humane morals, the phenomenon of civil responsibility of the crime of kidnapping in Iranian jurisprudence and law
Seyyed Javad Rezaei Ali Chekandi Nejad saiyed mohammad razavi